As the fall semester gets underway and higher education institutions welcome a new freshman class, university officials already have their eyes on...
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Data’s Role in Decisions About Facility Improvements
When it comes to deciding which college to attend, students have a number of options to consider. Academic offerings, location of the school,...
Analytics Can Help Turn Around A Bleak Outlook in Education
The recent news from the world of higher education has painted a pretty bleak picture. Many colleges and universities across the country have been...
ChatGPT Edu: A New AI for Higher Education
The debate over artificial intelligence (AI) can often be broken down into two camps: Those who are afraid of what it might become, and those who...
Using Data for Effective School Budget Decision Making
Any major decision a business makes has an impact across the organization. That impact could directly affect employees or customers, and it could be...
Summer is an Opportunity for Digital Transformation in Education
In the world of higher education, calling the period from January through May the “spring semester” is somewhat misleading, since very little of the...
The Impact of Caitlin Clark: Analyzing Data in Basketball
Analytics has become a big part of the game of basketball. Teams use data to design their game plans, figuring out how to maximize each possession...
Data is at the Heart of the Biggest Stories in Higher Education
The world of higher education is awash in data. Hardly any decisions are made without some kind of analytics to back them up. From admissions to...
Showing and Telling: The Importance of Data Visualization in Higher Ed
Data informs many aspects of the world of higher education. The numbers are just half the battle, though. Often it is just as important to put the...
What Happens to Data When A School Closes
Colleges and universities spend a lot of time thinking about data and how it can help them thrive. One of the ways they might be more reluctant to...
Data’s Role in Teacher Retention
The role of data and analytics in higher education is increasing all the time. From work in the classroom to uses by administration, there are a...
Is Higher Education Worth the Cost? Data Might Hold the Answer
When the pandemic forced colleges and universities to, at first, close their doors, and then to only return in an online format, many students and...
How Colleges Can Use Analytics to Boost Admission
College admissions is a somewhat fraught topic these days. From Supreme Court rulings to declining enrollments, it seems more often than not that...
The Artificial Intelligence Debate in Education
With all its potential, it is hard to predict exactly what impact artificial intelligence (AI) will have on different industries. Initial fears that...
Setting Students Up for Success Using Data
It’s the question every college or university serious about using analytics to help students succeed asks itself: what does student success look...
How Higher Ed Can Use Data to Track Alumni Engagement
With the wealth of data available to colleges and universities about current students, it can be easy to forget that there is just as much...
How Higher Ed Gathers Student Data with Wearable Tech and Location Tracking
Fans know where to find the University of Alabama football program—it’s usually at the top of the polls. But now, the University of Alabama football...
The Role of Data Quality in Higher Education Analytics
Technology can only do so much. It can provide incredible insights that organizations might not have imagined possible…but only if the people...
3 Ways Analytics Can Make Higher Ed More Efficient
It is a term thrown around every time a school mentions its use of data—analytics will make the institution more “efficient.” But what does that...
Finding Higher Ed Success with Data through Dashboard Visualization
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Sound advice for socialization, sure, but it can also apply to the world of higher ed. (Beyond...