While the emergency department (ED) is often considered the heart of the hospital, its daily operations can be impacted by various challenges, such...
Dimensional Insight Blog
See how analytics trends are impacting your business and industry
How Analytics Can Transform Interoperability
With so many sources of clinical and operational information swirling, the healthcare industry is notorious for facing challenges with siloed...
Building the Future of Data: Dimensional Insight’s Mentorship Initiative
Dimensional Insight takes pride in our robust mentorship program, which offers exceptional opportunities for the brightest minds in data science and...
Can AI Replace Your Doctor?
As the world is undergoing a digital transformation, businesses are increasingly relying on technology to enhance operational and financial...
Key Takeaways from HIMSS23
Dimensional Insight was thrilled to exhibit at HIMSS23 in Chicago April 17-21, one of the first major in-person healthcare events since the start of...
4 Key Strategies to Maximize Value-Based Care with Data and Analytics
In recent years, healthcare has seen a shift to a value-based care model, as an increasing number of hospitals are focused on incentivizing...
What We’re Looking Forward to at HIMSS23
If you’re an active healthcare technology professional, you’ve almost certainly heard of the HIMSS Conference. The annual conference, hosted by the...
3 Ways Analytics Can Help Fight Burnout in Healthcare
Burnout is a significant problem on the rise in healthcare. With growing demands for care due to the COVID-19 pandemic and severe staffing...
Harnessing Big Data for Suicide Prevention
Recent CDC data indicates that suicide was the twelfth leading cause of death in the United States, claiming the lives of nearly 46,000 people in...
What to Look for in a Healthcare Analytics Vendor
When it comes to healthcare analytics solutions, there are a lot of different options out there. How do you know which solution and healthcare...