Designing a Print-Ready PDF in PrintDP

by | Mar 7, 2017 | General BI

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last year, I wrote an article,  How to Design a Print-Ready DivePort Page, which outlined the steps one should take to create a PDF from DivePort that would print correctly, fitting entirely within the boundaries of one 8.5” by 11” sheet of paper. Soon thereafter, I received an email from Paul Duggan, software development manager at Dynamic Business Informatics in Dublin, Ireland. He pointed out that although my method was useful to people in the United States where it is customary to use 8.5” by 11” paper, the method would need to be modified for European “Divers” who typically print to an A4 format (8.27” by 11.69”).

Furthermore, Paul showed me that although my method is suitable for designing a print-ready DivePort page, it is NOT compatible with the “PrintDP Process Node”. A PrintDP node or “Print DivePort page”, is a Production process node in Diver Platform that saves a selected DivePort page to either a PDF or PNG file without launching a browser. The saved file can then be emailed to a defined mailing list. This allows you to automate a process to share dashboards and/or key portal pages with end-users who do not regularly log in to the portal. Luckily, Paul did a little research and came up with a solution for the “PrintDP” process node which I will share with you here today.

Step One

On your DivePort page, add a Rectangle Background Portlet and make its size 1070 x 700.

Step Two

In your “PrintDP” object, set height to “780” and width to “1150”.

Voila! Now you have the PDF result.

The method I described to make a DivePort print-ready page and the default settings for “PrintDP” page width and height are sized for users of US Letter size formatting at 8.5” by 11”. To adjust “PrintDP” for A4 size, modify the pixels in both the Rectangle Background Portlet and “PrintDP” process node object.

US Letter Size
For 8.5-inch width use 960 pixels.
For 11-inch width use 1280 pixels.

A4 Page Size
For 8.27-inch width use 780 pixels.
For 11.69-inch width use 1150 pixels.

Thanks, Paul for stepping up with this solution!

Rose Curtis

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