What’s New on the Website

October, 2022


New Press Coverage

How to improve data literacy within healthcare organizations

Read the article


New Press Coverage

The Beginner’s Guide To California’s Paso Robles Wine

Read the article


New Press Coverage

11 Parts Of A Marketing Email Or Campaign You Should Double-Check

Read the interview


What’s new in Diver Platform Help

DivePort 7.1(26) and later has an option that allows you to duplicate a text or indicator column in a measures portlet. If you want to create a portlet with columns that are the same except for a few attributes, you can create the column once, duplicate it, and then edit the attributes on the duplicate.

More information →


New Episode of the Knowledge Forum!

  1. DI-Broadcast
  2. Excel-input
  3. Using & Customizing Stamps with Variants

Watch new episode →


What’s new in Diver Platform Help

In DiveTab 7.1(21) and later, you can sort cross page columns. Dimension columns are sortable alphabetically, and the TOTAL and cross dimension columns are sortable on one of the cross page’s summary types. Summary columns are not sortable.

More information →


October TechBridge Newsletter is here!

HOT Topics in this issue:

  • Increased Integration Provides More Opportunities for Pharmacy Analytics
  • Like Everything Else, the Cost of Wine is Going Up
  • The Complete Package: Why Packaging Matters in Supply Chain Analytics
  • Proper Use of Color in Data Visualization
  • New Features Found in Diver Platform Version 7.2

Read the Newsletter →


Press release

Daily Sales Data for Control Jurisdictions Now Available on the Road

The new NABCA Gateway™ App provides subscribers with daily account level sales and market share information.

Read full press release.



What’s new in Online Help

As of Workbench 7.1(26), a new authentication type has been added: OpenID Connect (OIDC). OpenID Connect allows you to specify a third-party provider to redirect to for user authentication. Issuers can be anything from a Microsoft Azure site to Google to Facebook. More information about how OIDC works and how to implement OIDC as an authentication type can be found here.



What’s new in Diver Platform Help

If you search for a term that is included in the DI glossary, the glossary term appears with a shaded background at the top of the search results page. Although the full Glossary of DI terms has always been available in the online help systems, it wasn’t obvious to users. Now, the Glossary is accessible from the menu bar at the top of each Help page, either on its own or under the Resources category.