What’s New Archive
September, 2020
New Episodes of the Knowledge Forum
- Integrating external data into a DivePort application – 06:33
- Data visualization series using Chart Portlets: Pie and Donut Charts – 08:03
- Using stamps to view your data – 05:19
DIVC 20 Recordings
If you didn’t get the chance to watch DIVC 20 live, the recordings are now available publicly:
- Fred Powers and Stan Zanarotti: Keynote
- Howard Dresner: How is BI helping organizations operate more smoothly during the pandemic?
- James Clark: What’s New in Diver Platform and What Is in the Works for Future Developments
- Nancy Berkowitz: Introducing Gateway
- Customer Success Stories: Laura McCrary (KONZA), Daniel Carr (Penn Medicine), Tina Funk (Hope Family Wines), Roger Drake (Standard Beverage)
Customer website update
A new technical notice has been posted for customers about how to link measure metadata to reference documentation.
Log into the customer portal here and you’ll find the new notice on the site home page.