What’s New Archive
September, 2021
New Episode of the Knowledge Forum!
- How to dynamically include pictures in a Report Marker
- Creating user-specific default QuickView values
- Using Triggers in Production
New Episode of the Knowledge Forum!
- Measure Factory: Dealing with different currencies and units of measure
- New Chart Types in 7.1 (20)
- Applications of Filtered Calculations
Recent updates to the Diver Platform Help
You can now add, edit, and delete auxiliary measures and analyses using the Measure Factory editor, on the Measures page.
New DiveTab Video!
A DiveTab video called Adding an Overview Page has been added to the online Video Library.
Go to the Gallery to watch all DiveTab videos →
New press release
Dimensional Insight Receives a High Overall Rating in the 2021 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms Report.
Report includes ratings from technology users representing a variety of industries across the globe; Dimensional Insight received an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5.
Recent updates to the Diver Platform Help
New options are available for customizing individual QuickViews on the Advanced settings page. You can specify a default value and reverse the sort order of QuickView values.
September TechBridge Newsletter is here!
HOT Topics in this issue:
- DIUC21 look who’s talking!
- Data’s role in starting a spirits brand without a distillery
- 4 ways to use the Wisdom of Crowds BI Market Study in your buying research
- Rethinking logistics and how the government is getting involved
- How to get better control of data processing on the server