Factory Configuration File Tags

A Measure Factory configuration file is defined by using a measure-factory tag. Tags are contained within opening and closing braces { }.

The following table describes the tags that define the factory build process. The tags are ordered as they appear in the file code block.

High-Level Measure Factory Configuration File Tags

Tag Example Notes

measure-factory {



Defines the block for the factory configuration file.
date-name date-name "Datum" Available in 7.1(13) and later. Specifies an alternative name for the required Date element. This tag allows you to use a localized name instead of the English "Date."
enable-teamer-integration enable-teamer-integration Enables Teamer collaboration by assigning IDs to the rules and measures. See Enable Teamer Integration Tag.
take- parameters

take-parameter "year_1" {

default "2019"


Declares build-time parameters used in the factory. See Build-Time Parameters Tags.

measure-factory {

default-current-date from-file="adjusted-current-date.txt"


Sets the date for the factory build such that it matches the date in DivePort used as the current date for time series and QuickViews. This tag is available in Workbench 7.1(6) and later where time series ranges in Measure Factory become inclusive; that is, the time series includes the selected date. See Current Date Tags.

TIP: When using Workbench 7.1(6) or later, replace the current-date tag with default-current-date, and move the date one day back. For example, if you generate a current-date file containing the day of the build, change the process so that it generates a current-date file containing the day before the build.


calendars {

calendar "Standard"

calendar "Fiscal" type="Offset October"

default-calendar "Standard"


Defines the block for declaring calendars. See Calendars Tags.

time-ranges {

rolling-months 1

rolling-months 3

rolling-months 6


Defines named group rollups to support the Time Range QuickView in DivePort. The three ranges in the example column result in the following named groups in the QuickView selection:

  • 1 Months
  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months

Workbench 7.1(6) and later supports additional time ranges for factories. See Time Ranges Tags.


runtime-parameters {

parameter "Selected Hospital" {

default "Powers Memorial"



Declares run-time parameters used in the factory. Values are assigned when queries are made against the built factory. A default value is required and is used by ProDiver. A matching QuickView in DivePort makes the parameter dynamic. See Run-Time Parameters Tags.

lookup tables {

lookup-table "Admit Location" {

column "Admit Location Name"


key "Admit Location Code"

key "Source System"


lookup-table "Discharge Status" {

column "Discharge Status Desc"


key "Discharge Status Code"




Defines the block for defining lookup tables used in lookup-rules. See Lookup Tables Tags.

data-sets {

data-set "Accounts" {

cbase-input "/data/accounts.cbase"



data set "Transactions" {

cbase-input "/data/transactions.cbase"





Defines the block for declaring data sets and their associated rules. See Data Sets Tags and Measure Factory Rule Types.

NOTE: Each data set defined in the data-sets block must be used in at least one scope defined within the scopes block for the factory to process properly.


scopes {

scope "Adjustments" {

filter `value("Date") != null and value("Date") <= current_date()`

alias "Date" "Posting Date"

alias "Day of Week" "Posting Day of Week"


scope "Discharges" data-set="Accounts" {

filter `value("Date") != null and value("Date") <= current_date()`

alias "Date" "Discharge Date"




Defines the block for defining summary scopes—abstraction layers over the data set. Allows you to specify a filter expression and indicate which date columns a measure uses. See Scopes Tags.


NOTE: If a date dimension is aliased to two different dimensions in different scopes, those dimensions should have the same definition. For example, if one is defined using a date-rollup, the other one should also be defined using a date-rollup.


dimensions {

category "Dates" {

dimension "Date"

dimension "Discharge Date"

dimension "Discharge Time"


category "Charge" {

dimension "Charge Department Code-Name"

dimension "Charge Description-Code"

dimension "Revenue Code-Description"




Defines the block for defining categories and dimensions you want available on dashboards and in QuickView pulldowns. The category tags are seen in the ProDiver console of the validation DivePlan. See Dimensions Tags.

dimension-sets {

dimension-set "Admissions" {

dimension "Account ID"

dimension "Admit Location"

dimension "Admit Type"

dimension "Admitting Provider"



dimension-set "Charges" {

dimension "Account ID"

dimension "Attending Provider"

dimension "Admit Date"

dimension "Charge Description-Code"

dimension "Detail Patient Type"

dimension "Discharge Status"





Defines a block for grouping dimensions into sets. This simplifies their inclusion in the configuration. See Dimension Sets Tags.

measures {

category "General" {

measure "Total Charges" `sum(value("Total Charges")) / 1000` format="$#,#k" {

description "The sum total of Charges for Inpatient Accounts and Outpatient Accounts "

definition "OP Charges plus IP Charges"

reference "UB-04 Specifications Manual"

scope "Charges"

alternate-name "total_charge"

analysis {

available-dimensions { ...

initial-dimensions { ...

quickviews { ...

summaries { ...



measure "Adjustment Trx Amt" `sum(value("Transaction Amount"))` {




category "Customer Info" { ...



Defines the block for categorizing and defining measures for the factory build. See Measures Tags.

user-pages-config {

dimensions {

dimension "Facility"

dimension "Patient Type"



measures {

measure "IP Charges"

measure "OP Charges"





  • Which dimensions appear on the self-service page

  • Which measures appear on the self-service page