Measures Tags

The measures block defines and categorizes measures in the factory configuration file.

Measure Code Example

Measures Tags

Tags Examples Notes


measures {



Defines the container block for the measure tags. Each measure must be listed within a category tag.


measures {

category "Inpatient Volumes" {



category "Outpatient Volumes" {





Defines categories for one or more measure tags. These categories are used by DivePort to categorize measures in the portal. Categories make it easier to locate a measure when adding them to a dashboard.

TIP: The dimensions block also has a category tag which is used in ProDiver's console display.


measure "IP Admissions" `count()` filter=`value("Admission")` format="#,#" {



measure "Total Admissions" `count()` filter=`value("Admission") or value("Normal Newborn Account")` format="#,#" {



Defines a measure with a name and a Spectre calculation expression, filter, and format. See Measure Code Example for additional tags.

TIP: Measures must summarize data.

Optional Sub-tags for Measure Blocks

Tags Examples Notes
all-values quickview "Admit Year" all-values=false

Attribute for a QuickView that indicates if All Values should be an option for the end-user; defaults to true.


alternate-name "Total_admits"

Defines an alternate name for the measure. Deprecated—use label instead. You can display this name in DivePort by using the macro $(ALTERNATE_MEASURE_NAME). Deprecated—use $(MEASURE_LABEL ...) instead.


analysis "Acute ALOS" {



Defines the options for analyzing the measure in DivePort. The analysis can be customized using QuickView options. If default-analysis is in use, analysis tags inherit properties from the default-analysis block.


dimension "Admit Location" assisted-analytics=true

Sub-tag for initial-dimensions or available-dimensions. Flags a dimension as eligible for Assisted Analytics (AA) when the dimension is not part of a dimension set. Use care when selecting dimensions. Time-based dimensions are not likely to produce useful results in the analysis, and neither are detail-level dimensions (such as Account ID or Order Number).


aux-measure "Exp Value" `sum(value("Exp Readmit Rate"))/count()` filter=`notnull(value("Exp Readmit Rate"))` format="0.00"

Provides context for the measure, but are not necessary for their calculation. Previously called threshold. Each auxiliary measure inherits the good direction of its parent measure by default. It can also override the parent's direction with its own good-direction tag.

Aux-measure tags allow for creation of sub measures to a main measure—often used to populate fields on a dashboard.


available-dimensions {

dimension-set "Admissions"


Sub-tag for default-analysis or analysis to define the dimensions that can be selected for analysis in DivePort. Populates the DivePort context menu that allows users to switch dimensions.


default-analysis {

initial-dimensions ...

available-dimensions ...

quickviews ...


Defines the default options for analyzing the measure in DivePort such that additional custom analysis inherit properties. Use of default-analysis is optional. If used, initial-dimensions is required, but the other tags are optional. The default-analysis block has the same syntax as the analysis block, except there is no name and no summaries.

This tag allows you to specify the dimensions and QuickViews for a Default analysis independently from a Custom analysis. It is a best practice to define a default-analysis block for each measure with an analysis block.


quickview "Admit Year-Month" all-values=false {



Attribute for a QuickView on an Analysis portlets. Specifies that the default value for the QuickView is the last value in the QuickView list. Applies to date-related QuickViews such as year and year-month.


quickview "Facility" {

default-values "Facility A"


Attribute for a QuickView on an Analysis portlets. Specifies the default value for the QuickView.


definition "Count of Accounts that are either an Admission or a Normal Newborn Account."

Defines, in words, the business rules behind the measure. You can display this in DivePort, using the $(MEASURE_DEFINITION) macro. When using the Measure Factory Editor, this attribute is found in the Documentation section of a Measure. There is currently no character limit.


description "All inpatient admissions including Normal Newborns"

Provides a brief explanation of what the measure represents. You can display this in DivePort, using the $(MEASURE_DESCRIPTION) macro. When using the Measure Factory Editor, this attribute is found in the Documentation section of a Measure. There is currently no character limit.


dimensions {

dimension-set "Dimension Set 1"


Sub-tag for analysis that defines the dimensions used for this measure's analysis. You can list single dimensions or use dimension sets.


dimension "MRN" {

diveport-central-page "mrn_page"


Sub-tag for dimensions, initial-dimensions and available-dimensions as part of a dimension definition. Available for use in DivePort 7.1(19) and later.

Used in DivePort as follows:

  • In a Measures, Matrix, or Analysis Portlet, if a row displays a dimension value and that dimension has an associated central page, DivePort automatically adds a Portal Page click action targeting the central page.

  • For a Measures or Analysis Portlet, the click action can apply to the primary dimension on the window. For the Matrix Portlet, the click action applies to dimensions in detail lines.

  • For an Analysis Portlet, a central page set on the analysis available-dimension overrides one set in the overall dimensions section.

duration measure "ED Average Time to Admission" `average(value("ED Time to Admit"))` filter=`value("ED Time to Admit Encounter") > 0` duration=true

Sub-tag for measure indicates that, when duration is set to true, the numeric measure displays as a time with the standard format hh:mm:ss.

filter filter `value(substr("Customer ID", 1, 4)= "4100")`

Sub-tag for analysis that defines a filter on a dimension.

format format="YYYY-MM" Defines the format to use for the values.


good-direction "down"

Defines whether higher or lower values are favorable. This determines the color of the indicators that appear on DivePort pages. If this tag is not in use, the default is up. This tag can be used with both the main measure and an auxiliary measure.


id "79e4429e-fb56-4047-9510-6bea6acc989b"

Defines the unique identifier for this measure within the factory when using Teamer integration for collaboration.


initial-dimensions {

dimension "Admit Location"

dimension "Admit Date"


sort "Admit Date"

Sub-tag for default-analysis or analysis. Determines the first value in the dimension menu in the DivePort portlet. This attribute is required for default-analysis.

The default is to sort down on the first summary column, unless the initial dimension is a date or period, in which case that dimension is sorted.

In Workbench 7.1(28) and later, y ou can sort the analysis by a specified dimension.

TIP: For custom analysis, multiple initial-dimensions create a multitab.


label "Overall ALOS"

Defines an alternative label for the measure. You can display this in DivePort using the $(MEASURE_LABEL) macro. For example: $(MEASURE_LABEL "PPA Overall ALOS") could display "Overall ALOS" in the portlet.

NOTE: If set, the Matrix portlet displays that label instead of the measure name. Columns labels in other portlets also use the measure label instead of its name.


quickviews {

quickview "Facility"

quickview "Admit Year-Month"


Sub-tag for default-analysis or analysis that defines the QuickViews that appear when analyzing the measure in DivePort. For more information, see Analysis QuickView Customization.


reference "UB-04 Specifications Manual"

Lists documents useful for understanding the origins of a measure's definition and logic. You can display this reference in DivePort, using the $(MEASURE_REFERENCE) macro. When using the Measure Factory Editor, this attribute is found in the Documentation section of a Measure.

scope scope "Admissions"

Sub-tag for measure that defines the summary scope to use for the measure. Previously called view.

NOTE: Most measures have a scope tag. For measures that require data from two data sets, such as a ratio of two measures that have different scopes, no scope tag is used. Such measures cannot use the value() function, but can use the measure() function to access the data.

single-selection single-selection=true

Attribute for a QuickView that indicates that only one value can be selected from a QuickView.

sort sort "Total Charges" reverse=true

Sub-tag for analysis that specifies a sort on a dimension or summary column.


summaries {

summary "% Total" `measure("Total Admissions") * 100 / parent(measure("Total Admissions"))` format="#.0\"%\""


Sub-tag for analysis that defines the calculation for the named summary. The summary columns display when analyzing the measure in DivePort. Can include a filter and format. The summary can also have a sort tag. The definition for a summary must include a measure.

NOTE: The measure() function shown in the example is available only in the factory configuration file, not in any other Spectre file types.

TIP: If a summary is defined simply as a measure, a new calculation is defined for the analysis. The summary calc does not inherit the formatting from the measure.


threshold "Exp Value" `sum(value("Exp Readmit Rate"))/count()` filter=`notnull(value("Exp Readmit Rate"))` format="0.00"

Provides context for the measure but is not necessary for the calculation. Each threshold measure by default inherits the good direction of its parent measure. It can also override the parent's direction with its own good-direction tag. Use of threshold is deprecated—see aux-measure.