Current Date Tags

The default-current-date or current-date tag at the beginning of the factory configuration file specifies the date on which the data is current. Time series calculations, such as year-to-date, use this date as the anchor date.

You can use a fixed date or take a date from a file. A format tag is also accepted.

For example:

  • default-current-date "2021/04/19"
  • default-current-date from-file="current-date.txt"

The from-file example expects the text file to be in the factory project's config directory. If you are setting the date from a text file, ensure that the process for creating that text file is in place.

TIP: You can retrieve this date in a Spectre expression using the current_date() function as shown in the following example:

     filter `value("Date") != null and value("Date") <= current_date()`

Current Date Tags

Tags Examples Notes
current-date current-date "2019/05/12"

Declares a fixed date as the build date for the factory. This date indicates the data is complete as of this date.

NOTE: This tag is deprecated in Workbench 7.1(6)—use default-current-date instead. If the factory config script uses the current-date tag, the built factory moves that date back by one day. For example, if you set current-date to "2019/08/23" in the factory script, the DivePort Current Date QuickView defaults to "2019/08/22". With the 7.1(6) time series changes, this results in the same data being displayed as in previous versions.

default-current-date default-current-date "2019/05/11"

Declares a fixed date as the build date for the factory. This date indicates the data is complete as of this date.

Sets the date for the factory build such that it matches the date in DivePort used as the current date for time series and QuickViews. This tag is available in Workbench 7.1(6) and later where time series ranges in Measure Factory become inclusive (that is, they include the selected date).

TIP: When using version 7.1(6) or later, replace the current-date tag with default-current-date, and move the date one day back. For instance, if you generate a current-date file containing the day of the build, change the process so that it generates a current-date file containing the day before the day of the build.


default-current-date from-file="current-date.txt"

Obtains the date from a text file located in the factory project's config directory.

default-current-date "2019/05/12" format="YYYY/MM/DD"

default-current-date from-file="current-date.txt" format="YYYY-MM-DD"

Sets the date format.

default-current-date from-file="current-date.txt" format="YYYY/MM/DD" {

maximum "2020/01/01"


Defines a maximum value for the current date.

default-current-date from-file="current-date.txt" format="YYYY/MM/DD" {

minimum "2000/01/01"

maximum from-file="date-range-end.txt"


Defines a minimum value for the current date.

take-parameter "Factory Date"

default-current-date "$(Factory Date)"

Declares a build-time parameter used in the factory. Allows you to set the current date using the parameter's value.