Lookup Tables Tags

The lookup-tables block defines the lookup tables that are used in the factory build.

For example:

lookup-tables { 
  lookup-table "Admit Location" { 
    column "Admit Location Name" type = "string" 
    key "Admit Location Code" 
    key "Source System" 
  lookup-table "Admit Service" { 
    cbase-input "/data/admit-service.cbase" 
    column "Admit Service Name" type = "string" 
    key "Admit ServiceCode" 
    key "Source System" 

Lookup Tables Tags

Tags Examples Notes

lookup-tables {

lookup-table "MS DRG" {



lookup table "Charge" {




Defines the container tag for lookup-table tags.

lookup-table "MS DRG"

lookup-table "Charge"

Names the lookup table. When not using an input type tag, the actual file name must be prepended with lookup_table_ and stored in the same directory as the factory configuration file. For example, lookup_table_MS DRG.txt, lookup_table_Charge.txt.
cbase-input cbase-input "/cbases/revenue.cbase" Specifies one or more cBases as a source of data.


column "CMS MS DRG Weight" type = "double"

column "Charge Description" type = "string"

Describes one or more columns to bring into the data set. Both format and type can be included. These column names are used to call the lookup rule.
date-range-columns date-range-columns "Start Date" "End Date" Identifies alternate names for the start and end date columns.
dive-input dive-input "/data/transactions.dive" Specifies one or more dive files as a data source.


key "MS DRG Code"

key "Charge Code"

Describes one or more keys to match in the lookup file to determine which particular column value to bring into the data set.

NOTE: For the key, you do not need to declare a data type because the data type is already specified in the source data.


odbc-inut {

dsn "Accounts"

query "select * from account_info"


Sets the data source as ODBC input. For more information, see ODBC Input Build Tags.
text-input text-input "/data/revenue-codes.txt" Specifies one or more text files as a data source.

See also: