Dimension Sets Tags

The dimension-sets block sets up lists of dimensions for easy reuse, as well as organize the dimensions into groups for diving.

In the following example, the individual dimension set blocks are collapsed:

dimension-sets {
  dimension-set "Admissions" {
  dimension-set "Discharges" {
  dimension-set "Diagnosis" {
  dimension-set "Procedures" {

Dimension-sets Tags

Tags Examples Notes

dimension-sets {

dimension-set "Adminssions" {



dimension-set "Providers" {





Defines the container block for the dimension-set tags.

dimension-set "Providers" {



Defines the dimension-set with a name. Dimension-sets are used by measures to identify the columns that are available to the Analysis portlet used by the measure.


dimension-set "Providers" {

dimension "Admitting Provider"

dimension "Admitting Provider ID"

dimension "Admitting Provider Service"


Lists the dimensions in the dimension-set. The first dimension listed becomes the default for DivePort analysis. Dimensions appear in the Analysis portlet in the same order that they are entered in the factory configuration file.

dimension-set "Admissions" {

dimension "Account ID"

dimension "Admit Location" assisted-analytics=true


Flags a dimension as eligible for Assisted Analytics (AA). Use care when selecting dimensions. Time-based dimensions are not likely to produce useful results in the analysis, and neither are detail-level dimensions (such as Account ID or Order Number).

NOTE: The Assisted Analytics tag is set per dimension-set. For dimensions that appear in multiple dimension-sets, you need to place the tag next to each instance of that dimension in the different dimension-sets if you always want AA enabled for that dimension.


dimension "MRN" {

diveport-central-page "mrn_page"


Defines a central page as part of the dimension definition. Available in Workbench 7.1(19) and later. Used in DivePort as follows:

  • In a Measures, Matrix, or Analysis Portlet, if a row displays a dimension value and that dimension has an associated central page, DivePort automatically adds a Portal Page click action targeting the central page.

  • For a Measures or Analysis Portlet, the click action can apply to the primary dimension on the window. For the Matrix Portlet the click action applies to dimensions in detail lines.