Dimensions Tags

The dimensions block defines the dimensions to process into the output data sets. These dimensions display in the ProDiver console and in DivePort dashboards and QuickView lists.

For example:

  dimensions {
    category "Account" {
      dimension "Account ID"
      dimension "Facility"
      dimension "Account Status Code"
    category "Admission" {
      dimension "Admit Location"
      dimension "Admit Type"

Dimensions Tags

Tags Examples Notes

dimensions {



Defines the container block for the dimension tags. Each dimension must be listed within a category block.

dimensions {

category "Dates" {



category "Charges" {





Defines categories for the dimensions block. These categories appear in the ProDiver console of the validation DivePlans. Categories are ordered in the console as they are specified in the factory configuration file.

NOTE: If you do not assign a non-numeric dimension to a category, the dimension appears in the Rules category if it is type Boolean; otherwise the dimension appears in the Other category.

TIP: The measures block also has a category tag which is used by DivePort portlets.


dimensions {

category "Dates" {

dimension "Date"

dimension "Discharge Date"


category "Financial" {

dimension "Financial Class"

dimension "Primary Payor"

dimension "Final Billed Date"

dimension "Billing Status Code"




Specifies the dimensions that are processed into the output data sets. List each dimension you want the factory build to make available on DivePort dashboards and in the QuickView pulldown lists.

NOTE: Starting with 7.1(17), a ll numeric calc, lookup, link and plugin rules that are marked as dimensions have suggested-dimension=true set when they are added to data-set and scope cBases. This ensures that they appear as dimensions rather than as summaries in ProDiver.


dimension "Discharge Year-Month" {

date-rollup period="month" rule="Discharge Date" format ="YYYY-MM"


dimension "Admit Day of Week" {

date-rollup period="weekdays" rule="Admit Date" format="AAA"


dimension "Admit Month" {

date-rollup period="monthname" rule="Admit Date"


Defines a date-rollup as part of the dimension definition. Adds additional date dimensions for different period types.

The code snippets show different date rollup examples:

  • The first snippet shows a typical year-month rollup
  • The second snippet shows a day-of-the-week rollup, for example Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri
  • The third snippet shows a rollup by month name, for example January, February, March.


  • This function uses the standard calendar only.

  • You cannot alias a rolled-up dimension.


dimension "Facility" {

group "Two Facilities" "Longwoood Hospital" "Maplewood Hospital"


Defines a group as part of the dimension definition. You can use named groups in Analysis portlets within DivePort pages in the following ways:

  • As values in Analysis QuickViews
  • As filters passed from a Matrix portlet—using the Portal page or Analysis click actions



Defines the period for the date-rollup tag. Available period types are year, quarter, month, monthname, and weekdays.


rule="Discharge Date" Defines which rule to use for the date-rollup tag.




Defines the format for the date-rollup tag.

dimension "MRN" {

diveport-central-page "mrn_page"


Defines a central page as part of the dimension definition. Available in Workbench 7.1(19) and later. Used in DivePort as follows:

  • In a Measures, Matrix, or Analysis Portlet, if a row displays a dimension value and that dimension has an associated central page, DivePort automatically adds a Portal Page click action targeting the central page.

  • For a Measures or Analysis Portlet, the click action can apply to the primary dimension on the window. For the Matrix Portlet the click action applies to dimensions in detail lines.