Jump-start analytics success with our pre-built applications
Cost-effective & Efficient.
Quickly deploy to achieve fast ROI
Our customizable off-the-shelf enterprise applications with built-in measures, governance, and reporting functions deliver instant value.
These proven off-the-shelf analytics applications are built on Diver Platform. Our customizable analytics healthcare applications are a cost-effective and efficient way to quickly monitor the key drivers of your business for success. We continually update pertinent data and enhance features based on real user feedback to deliver more value to each application over time.
Dimensional Insight’s applications provide:
Rapid deployment helping to ensure quick ROI
Multiple data source extraction and integration
Automated predefined and customizable definitions, business logic, and formulas
Data governance capabilities to align users to share unified findings
Cost-efficient alternative to internal development and maintenance
User access through an array of devices and displays
For any industry
Diver Gateway →
DiveTab →
GL Advisor →
Inventory Advisor →
For beverage industry
Diver Gateway →
Distributor Advisor →
Program Advisor →
Supplier Advisor →
Survey Advisor →
For more information
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