Adding an Indicator Portlet to a Page

- In DivePort, browse to the page where you want to add the portlet.
On the DivePort toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enable edit mode.
The Edit menu item is replaced with edit tools, including a page context menu chevron.
- On the toolbar, click the chevron.
- On the page context menu, click Add a Portlet.
On the Add Portlet list, double-click Indicator Portlet.
The Edit Indicator Portlet, Select a data source
dialog box opens.
Select a Project, and then click Next.
The Select an indicator type
dialog box opens.
Select an indicator type, and then click Next.
A list of
data values appears.
Available options vary, depending on the indicator type. All options are described in Indicator Portlet Options.
In DivePort 7.1(13) and later, you have the option to select and specify a
constant value for a text indicator. This option displays the value specified (in the next step) in every row in the column.
NOTE: Constant value columns cannot be sorted.
Select the value that you want to illustrate using the indicator portlet, and then click Next.
TIP: Enter a full or partial name in the search box to filter the list.
The wizard advances to the
next page.
If you selected Constant Value in step 7, enter the value that you want to use in the Value box.
- Select a Date Range and period (Current, Previous, Current Versus Previous, or Current Versus Previous %).
Click Add a
The Thresholds settings
dialog box opens.
- Enter or select a Threshold value.
- Select a Time Range and Color or Image file, and then click OK.
- Optional. Edit options under More settings.
- Click OK.
- On the toolbar, click Save to exit edit mode and lock the page.

By default, Measure Factory license holders do not have the option to select a marker or DiveBook file type as a data source for indicator portlets.
To override this behavior and allow marker and DiveBook files to be used, you can set the ignore-measure-factory-license portal info setting to true in the portaldb.json file. This setting prevents DivePort from filtering markers and DiveBook file types from the Edit Indicator Portlet dialog box.
NOTE: This is a portal-wide setting that allows you to use the Measure Factory-licensed DiveLine with a portal (that is, another DivePort instance) that is not limited by Measure Factory restraints. You can use DI Bridge to seamlessly switch access between the Measure Factory portal and the non-measure factory portal.