Tunnel Output Object

The Integrator Tunnel output object creates a dynamic memory model. Tunnel refers to a DiveLine capability where DiveLine can tunnel out and access data from external data sources. Tunnel allows DiveLine to filter back-end data based on user selections, as well as Access Control Lists (ACLs), and provides access to near real-time data.

Tunnel is implemented by having a DiveLine client open up an Integrator Tunnel script (saved with file extension .tnl). The Tunnel output object in this special script describes what data should be returned through DiveLine, and what columns should be Dimensions, Summaries and Info Fields. The Tunnel script can access data contained in flat files, spreadsheets, Models, or SQL or Access databases, and use any other Integrator objects to process the data. At a minimum, it must have an input object and the Tunnel output object.

An Integrator Tunnel output object writes data to a file when run by Integrator, but is the source of the data when the script is accessed using other DI software. The data from a Tunnel object can be viewed by any DiveLine client.

Although all DiveLine clients support Tunnel, user configurations must be set in DI-Config to allow Tunnel file execution in the 6.4 DiveLine namespace. Also, in terms of data security, DiveLine ACLs for .tnl files are similar to .mdl files. Access is granted or denied on the Memory Model, not on the source data. If the source data is a Model, ACLs will already have been applied when the Memory Model was built.

For 7.x projects, if access control rules are defined such that the user can see and open a Tunnel script (has read permission), the script can run. There are no additional access control checks on files that Tunnel scripts open from a Project. Tunnel scripts can only be created by authorized users and these scripts are considered trusted. This matches non-Project behavior.

Tunnel Attributes

Attribute Type Description
String Identifies the object as a Tunnel output object. The value of the string is "tunnel".
String Defines the object from which the data flow is arriving.
filename String Defines the output file to use when the script is run by Integrator. If included in the .tnl file, the DiveLine client ignores it. This is used to develop and debug the Integrator script before creating the executable script file (.tnl). The output file is written with column headers and a comma delimiter. This attribute is optional, but required when testing scripts using integ.exe.
Array of Strings Defines a list of columns that will be Dimensions in the resulting Model. This is equivalent to the dimensions attribute in the Build Description.
summary Array of Strings Defines a list of columns that will be Summary columns in the resulting Model. This is equivalent to the summary attribute in the Build Description.
info Array of Strings Defines a list of strings that contain Info Columns and corresponding Dimensions in the resulting Model. This is equivalent to the info attribute in the Build Description. Each string should be of the form:
"<info column name>:<dimension name>"
types Array of Strings

Contains an array of strings, one for each column in the output cBase that should be given a specific type. The column name is followed by a colon (:) and the requested type for that column. For example: Units:integer.

Possible types are string, integer, fixed100, double, boolean, date, period, and datetime. These correspond to Spectre date types. See Spectre Data Types.

The types array is an alternate way to specify column types instead of the string and dates attributes. Columns can appear in both places, provided that the types do not conflict.

NOTE: The Visual Integrator interface includes a list for each row where you can set these column types.

string Array of Strings Defines a list of columns that should be interpreted as string values rather than numeric values.
sort Array of Strings Defines a list of strings that contain Dimension columns and alternative sort columns. This is equivalent to the sort attribute in the Build Description. Each string should be in the form:
"<dimension column name>:<alternative sort column name>"
model_title String Defines the name of the resulting Model as it will be displayed in the Console. If this attribute does not exist, Diver will use "Dynamic Model" as the Model title.
return_model String Defines the name of an existing Model that will be returned as the result of the script. If this attribute is set, the Tunnel object does not return any raw data, but will return an existing Model. Earlier tasks in the script can build a Model file on demand and the Tunnel object is used to return the resulting Model. If this attribute is defined, place the Tunnel OUTP object in a Task by itself as when this attribute is defined, all other flows in the task containing the Tunnel object are unused and will not be run; the input attribute is ignored.
dates Array of Strings Contains an array of strings, one for each numeric item in the input file that should be treated as a date. This attribute should be paired with the formats attribute. It is important to identify date columns so they are stored properly in the Model, facilitating Diver functions (e.g., sorting, date and time functions, Time Series, etc.).
formats Array of Strings Contains an array of strings, one for each date element listed in the dates attribute. The field name is followed by a colon (:) and the date format. Example:
"Discharge Date:YYYY/MM/DD"

NOTE: A tunnel can be used in the model-engine or cBase-engine. If explicit types are set for a cBase, formats can be set on any column. In the model-engine, formats are only allowed for date fields.

calendars Array of Strings

Contains an array of strings that defines calendars for period columns. The field name for the period column is followed by a colon (:) and the calendar name. Valid calendars are the ones described in the Spectre topics (Date and Time Functions, Time-Series Functions, Creating a Custom Calendar): gregorian month, gregorian quarter, iso8601 week, gregorian+<N> month or a custom calendar file.

Examples: "Order Month:gregorian month" and "Fiscal period:/calendars/fiscal.cbase."

nullable Array of Strings Contains an array of strings, one for each Summary field that contains nullable data. Normally, Builder will treat null values in input as zeros. If a field is set to be nullable, Builder will distinguish between zeros and nulls and keep a count of the non-null values in the input. This count will be used when calculating averages and standard deviations on the field in Diver. The null values will be preserved in calculations wherever possible. Note that setting a column to be nullable will slightly increase the size of the Model.
build_on_demand Boolean If "true", this attribute defines the return_model to be built on demand. When the tunnel is run, DiveLine will check to see if the return_model exists. If so, it returns it immediately. If it does not exist, the rest of the Tunnel script, which presumably will create the return_model, is executed. This allows the tunnel designer to cache the results of building a return_model.
To allow the return_model name to be parameterized based on tunnel parameters, tunnel will run any initial tasks which have a Setparm output object to set necessary parameters before checking the existence of the return model. This allows the tunnel script writer the opportunity to transform the tunnel parameters into other values for the Integrator script.
model_vars Array of Strings Contains an array of sub-strings, one for each user-defined Model variable to be set in the Model. Each sub-string consists of the variable name, an equal (=) sign, and the variable value. Each should be surrounded by quotes and separated by commas. These model variables are available in ProDiver through the $MODELVAR(<variable name>) reporter variable used in Reports and Report Palettes. See the ProDiver Help for more information.
trace_before Sub-object Traces data flows entering the specified object. This is equivalent to adding the Trace process object immediately before the current output object. See Embedded Trace Object.