Spectre project Options

The Spectre command line project sub-command lists, creates, installs, and uninstalls projects as well as changes a project's root. It has the following syntax:

spectre project <subcommand> [options]

These sub-commands are detailed in the first table, and the common options are detailed in the second table.

For example:

spectre project list

Enter spectre project -h to display the syntax and available sub-commands as described in the following table.

Spectre project Sub-commands

Sub-command Description
list List the projects on the dataroot. The command has the following syntax:

spectre project list

For example:

spectre project list

create Create a new, empty project. The command has the following syntax:

spectre project create <name> <project root> [options]

For example:

spectre project create newsales c:\di\projects\newsales

install Install a project to the root. The command has the following syntax:

spectre project install <name> <project root> [options]

For example:

spectre project install aprilsales c:\di\projects\aprilsales

uninstall Remove a project from the project root. Removing a project does not delete the contents. The command has the following syntax:

spectre project uninstall <name> [options]

For example:

spectre project uninstall Jansales

setprojectroot Change the root directory of a project. The command has the following syntax:

spectre project setprojectroot <name> <project root> [option]

For example:

spectre project setprojectroot newsales c:\di\projects\newsales

This command helps you move projects from one location to another. First, relocate the project on disk. Then, use setprojectroot to tell the DiveLine server the new location of the project. Be sure to stop the DiveLine server before issuing the command.

This is an advanced sub-command. To see the advanced sub-commands, enter:

spectre project help-advanced

NOTE: setprojectroot is currently the only advanced sub-command.

Enter spectre project <subcommand> -h for the syntax and available options for each sub-command as described in the following table.

Spectre project Sub-command Options

Options Description
--dataroot arg

Set the path to the DiveLine server dataroot.

For example:

spectre project list --dataroot c:\di\solution\dl-dataroot

Instead of using this option, you can set the DI_HOME environment variable. See Setting Environment Variables.

-u [ --username ] arg

Run as the given user.

For example:

spectre project list --username jsmith

When the command runs with this option, only the projects that user jsmith has access to are listed.

-q [ --quiet ]

Print only warnings and errors to the console.

For example:

spectre project uninstall newsales --quiet

When the command runs with this option, no timestamps or individual processes display; only warnings and errors are output to the console. If successful, only the command prompt displays.