Conversion of 6.x Licenses to 7.x

The DiveLine server automatically converts 6.x user licenses to 7.x licenses. Initializing a 7.x DiveLine server by using a version 6.x configuration file (that is, an atlcfg.cfg file), causes the DiveLine server to convert user licenses when the first user connects. Existing 6.x licensed users convert from 6.x user tiers to 7.x Solution and 7.x Platform user categories as shown in the following table:

6.x Diver Solution User Tiers 7.x Solution Category 7.x Platform Category
Advanced and administrator Developer Developer
Advanced and non-administrator Advanced ProDiver
General General DivePort
Casual Casual DivePort

This conversion is a starting point for assigning license categories to users. Licensing can be adjusted for users as needed using Workbench.