What is a cBase?

A cBase is a proprietary columnar database optimized for aggregating and summarizing large volumes of data. It contains the raw data in binary format. Everything is stored in columns, and each column has a type. A cBase is intended to be kept mostly or entirely in memory and shared among all processors on a server. For best performance, DI recommends that cBases be located on local SSDs (solid-state storage devices that use integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently).

A cBase file supports date and period types with calendar support. It contains metadata for:

  • Spectre Build scripts and logs
  • Column types and statistics
  • Data integrity errors and warnings

There are two methods for creating cBases:

You can iteratively edit the Build or Visual Integrator (cBase output object) scripts and re-build the cBase to fine tune it.

See also: