Running the Measure Factory

Running a Measure Factory creates numerous files in the factory-output directory, including the data set DivePlans, the metadata cBases, the measures DivePlan, and the factory DiveBook. For more information, see Factory Output Overview.

CAUTION: If you run the factory multiple times, the factory-output directory is emptied to make room for the new output.

During the run, intermediate files are stored in the temp directory until the process completes and then the files are moved to the factory-output directory. In the event that the build fails, the files from the previous run are restored.

DI recommends that you run your factory manually during development and testing, and scheduling the factory to run automatically during production.

Testing your factory

To run the factory, open the factory configuration file that you want to use, and click the Run icon The Run button for Measure Factory. on the top left.

You can also click the down arrow to the right of the Run icon The down arrow to the right of the Run button for Measure Factory. to test individual data sets.

Using the Run icon is typically for developing and testing purposes.

In Workbench 7.1(18) and later, you can perform a dry run on an unsaved factory file to test it. Click the down arrow to the right of the Run icon The down arrow to the right of the Run button for Measure Factory. and select Dry run. For more information about behavioral preferences in Workbench, see Running Unsaved Scripts.

TIP: Use the Status Bar at the bottom of the Workbench main window to view the output and currently running jobs.

Running your factory with Production

You can schedule the factory to run automatically using the Build Factory process node in DI Production. From the Production script, you can schedule the time and frequency that you want to update your data. Using a Production script also maintains the logs.

Scheduling the factory to run automatically is ideal for a production environment.

For more information, see Build Factory Process Node and Scheduling Production Scripts.

See also: