Stamp Template Tags

The following tags define a stamp template for use in a Measure Factory DivePort.

Tag Example



stamp-template {



Defines the root container for the stamp configuration.
name name "GL Account"

Defines how the stamp is labeled in setup dialogs and user pages within DivePort.

Starting with version 7.1(18), this property is optional. If it is omitted, the stamp name that appears in DivePort is the stamp template file name, minus the extension.

category category "Finance Stamps" Groups stamps together in DivePort's Edit Stamp Portlet dialog. Use of a category string is optional. DI recommends that you start with "Customized Stamps" as a category.
for-self-service for-self-service Enables use of this stamp type in the stamp grid layout, indicating that the stamp can be used for DivePort self service pages. This attribute was formerly called userPagesStamp.

NOTE: Self service stamps must have one measure only. They cannot have dimensions or options.


size {

width 300

height 30


Defines the width and height of the stamp in pixels.

options {



Lists flags that control the portlet during configuration on a DivePort page. The options dictate what the edit portlet dialog looks like in DivePort when configuring the stamp. If no options are declared, stamps require exactly one measure for configuration and no dimensions.

NOTE: Stamps for self service pages are one measure only—you cannot add options.

dimension dimension An options flag that requires that the DivePort administrator choose a dimension during portlet configuration.
multidimension multidimension An options flag that allows the DivePort administrator to choose any number of dimensions during portlet configuration.
multivalue multivalue An options flag that allows the DivePort administrator to choose any number of measures (1+) during portlet configuration.
no-value no-value An options flag that removes the option for the DivePort administrator to choose a measure during portlet configuration.
measure-categories measure-categories An options flag that turns on display of measure categories in matrix portlets.

components {

chart type="multitab-heatmap" {

dimension "Created Year"

category "Class"

value "$(MEASURE_1)"

position {

top 10

left 10


size {

width 520

height 480




Contains specifications for all of the portlets that are within the stamp. The following components are supported:

  • chart
  • html
  • indicator
  • image
  • matrix
  • measures
  • quickview
  • text

Each component has required properties (for example position) and optional properties (for example style and click-actions).

For more details on properties within the components block, see Stamp Component Tags.

TIP: The first components defined in your stamp file appear in the back, and later components appear in front. If you want a rectangle to appear behind a matrix, define the rectangle first in the template.


constants {

set "name-of-variable" "value-of-variable"

set "numeric-variable-name" 3.1

set "boolean-variable-name" false


Names the constants to be available for stamp variants. See About Stamp Variants.

variants {

variant "boolean is actually true" {

set "boolean-variable-name" true



Names values that can be used to override like named values in a constants list. The variants list can define additional variables. See About Stamp Variants.

style {

prop "background-color" "white"

prop "border-radius" "5px"

prop "border-top" "2px solid #0f6299"


Contains CSS properties that are applied to the parent DIV of the stamp. CSS properties are defined like this:

prop "<property name>" "<property value>"

Therefore, prop "border" "none" becomes <div style="border: none">

TIP: Search online for Cascading Style Sheets to locate a list of properties. For example:

style <ClassName>

style "DemoClass"

style "ProductClass" {

prop "border" "2px solid blue"


Names a CSS class to include from an external style-sheet. Applies to a stamp or stamp component, either before or instead of individual style properties.

Properties, contained in braces, are optional. If used, those properties override the class properties.

You can use classes that are defined in native DivePort code or those that are applied with custom CSS in a skin.

See also: