Stamp Component Tags

The Stamp Template component block contains the specifications for each portlet that is part of the stamp. The following table describes the blocks for each portlet type.

TIP: Components are rendered in the order that they appear in the stamp template. Therefore, components at the end of the list appear in front of components at the beginning of the list. This is important for DivePort click actions, because when a component overlaps another, only the click actions for the component in front are accessible.


Tag Example Description

chart type="<type of chart>" {



Defines the block for a chart component.

See Chart Component Tags.


indicator type="<display type of indicator>" {



Defines the block for an indicator component.

See Indicator Component Tags.


image "<url to image>" {



Defines the block for an image component.

See Image Component Tags.


matrix {



Defines the block for a matrix component.

See Matrix Component Tags.


measures {



Defines the block for a measures component.

See Measures Component Tags.


quickview {



Defines the block for a quickview component.

See QuickView Component Tags.


text "<content of text>" {



Defines the block for a text component.

See Text Component Tags.

Common attributes for each component type

position {

top 15

left 15


Defines the position of the component within the stamp frame. This is a required attribute.

There are two sub attributes:

  • top is the number of pixels from the top of the stamp
  • left is the number of pixels from the left edge of the stamp

size {

width 295

height 45


For all components except text and image components, the size tag is required. There are two sub attributes:

  • width is the integer pixel width of the component
  • height is the integer pixel height of the component

style {

prop "background-color" "white"

prop "border-radius" "5px"


style "ClassName"

Any component can have a style tag, with properties defined in the same way as the overall stamp style:

prop "<property name>" "<property value>"

Any style tag can refer to a class. You can use classes that are defined in native DivePort code or those that are applied with custom CSS in a skin.

After naming the class, you can add properties in braces that override selected class properties.

NOTE: Because lower-level settings such as skin colors, skin fonts, or column- or row-level preferences are applied first, some style properties, such as font settings on a measures component might not apply to all contents of the component.

Click Actions

click-actions {




The click-actions list can include these types:

  • analysis
  • crosslink
  • excel
  • pdf
  • portal-page

analysis {

scope "cell"

page-id "$(MACRO analysis_page_name)"


Sub block for the analysis click-action. Possible attributes:

  • scope "<cell, row, or portlet>" [same as what you would select in the click actions dialog in a normal portlet]
  • label "<label for analysis click action or macro>" [optional]
  • page-id "<analysis page ID>"
  • measure "<measure name or macro>" [optional]
  • factory "<factory name or macro>" [optional]
  • popup-size <"# x #" or "#,#" (whitespace ignored, width x height) or a macro> [optional]

crosslink {

scope "row"

label "crosslink"


Sub block for the crosslink click-action. Possible attributes:

  • scope "<cell, row, or portlet>" [same as what you would select in the click actions dialog in a normal portlet]
  • label "<label for crosslink click action>" [optional]

excel {

scope "link"

label "Excel Download"

filename "excel_download"

add-parent-info true

produce-xlsx true


Sub block for the excel click-action. Possible attributes:

  • scope "<portlet and row or link>"
  • label "<label for the excel click action>" [optional]
  • filename "<name for the Excel file> [optional]. The default is the name of the data source.

  • produce-xlsx true [optional]. Specifes that an xlsx file is produced instead of an xls file. The default is false.

  • add-parent-info true [optional]. Specifies that parent info is included in the Excel output. The default is false.


pdf {

scope "row"

label "PDF Download" filename "pdf_download"

add-parent-info true


Sub block for the pdf click-action. Possible attributes:

  • scope "<portlet and row or link>"
  • label "<label for the pdf click action>" [optional]
  • filename "<name for the pdf file> [optional]. The default is the name of the data source.

  • add-parent-info true [optional]. Specifies that parent info is included in the pdf output. The default is false.


portal-page {

scope " row"

label "Click for more details"

page-id "$(MACRO detail_page_name)"

measure "$(MEASURE_1)"

factory "HC Test"

popup-size "$(MACRO measure_info_popup_size)"

popup true


Sub block for the portal-page click-action. Possible attributes:

  • scope "<cell, row, or portlet>" [same as what you would select in the click actions dialog in a normal portlet]
  • label "<label for portal page click action>" [optional]
  • page-id "<portal page ID or macro>"
  • measure "<measure name or macro>" [optional]
  • factory "<factory name or macro>" [optional]
  • popup-size <"# x #" or "#,#" (whitespace ignored, width x height) or a macro> [optional]
  • popup false [optional—no quotes. Omit or change to true to make the page pop up. Defaults to true if tag or value is omitted.]
Possible Parameters
$(DIMENSION_<#>) column "$(DIMENSION_3)" type="text" Returns the name of the dimension that the user selected for the stamp, where <#> is the number of a dimension. For example, $(DIMENSION_1) returns the name of the first dimension, $(DIMENSION_2) returns the name of the second dimension, and so on.

chart type="multitab-heatmap" {

dimension "Created Year"

category "Class"

value "$(MEASURE_1)"


Returns the measure selected by the user, where <#> is the number of a measure. For example, $(MEASURE_1) returns the name or label of the first measure, $(MEASURE_2) returns the name or label of the second measure, and so on.
$(MACRO <any DivePort macro>) page-id "$(MACRO analysis_page_name)" Returns the value of the specified DivePort macro. For more information about macros, see DivePort Administrator Help.

For an overview of the entire stamp, see Stamp Template Tags.