Creating a Stamp Area

To create a stamp page, you create a stamp area block, stamp templates, and sets of templates using the text editor. You can then identify the measures that can use stamps, which set of stamps each measure uses, the dimensions associated with analysis of the measure, and the QuickView filters.

NOTE: DiveTab clients, such as the iPad and PC, can share stamp page user configurations.

To create a stamp area:

  1. On a DiveTab module with a menu-area block, select the text editor.

  2. In the menu-area block, add an area id and an identification name for the stamp area. For example:

      area id = "creating-a-stamp-area"
  3. In the areas block, add a stamp-area block and use the same identification name. For example:

      stamp-area id = "creating-a-stamp-area"
  4. Add a title and icon, and identify the factory-name. For example:

      title "Creating a Stamp Area"
      icon "/divetab/images/menu icons/5.png" 
      factory-name "distributor-mf_02"

    TIP: The factory-name is the name of the Measure Factory project.

  5. Add a stamp tag with a stamp-display-tag, time-range-tag, and text-comparison-tag attributes, and depending on the version, include the following optional attributes:

  6. Optionally, add an analysis-column tag to the stamp block.

    This tag identifies columns from another stamp analysis page within the stamp-area and adds them to the current stamp.

  7. Add stamp-book blocks with a name, and identify the stamps associated with it.

    For example:

      stamp-book "All" {
        stamp-book "Year"
        stamp "MTD vs Last Year MTD"
        stamp "R3-to-Date vs LY R3-to-Date"
      stamp-book "Year" {
        stamp "YTD vs Prev Year to Date"
  8. Add measure tags and include the measure names.

    For example:

      measure "9L Cases"
      measure "Net Sales"
      measure "Cost"
      measure "Sample Expenses"
      measure "Goal"
  9. Do one or both of the following:

    • Add a stamp-book attribute to the measure to identify a specific stamp-book to use.

      For example:

        measure "9L Cases" stamp-book = "Year"
    • Add a default-stamp-book tag for all measures without a specified stamp-book.

      For example:

        default-stamp-book "All"
  10. Optionally, add a default-stamps block and default-stamp tag, with measure and stamp attributes, to create default stamps that appear on the stamp page when you first open it on DiveTab.

    For example:

      default-stamps {
        default-stamp measure = "Net Sales" stamp = "MTD vs Last Year MTD"
        default-stamp measure = "9L Cases" stamp = "YTD vs Prev Year to Date"
      default-stamp measure = "Cost" stamp = "93-to-Date vs LY R3-to-Date"

    TIP: You can only create default stamps that are specified by the stamp book for the specified measure. In this case, only the YTD vs Prev Year to Date can use the 9L Cases measure.

  11. Add the dimensions block, add the dimension tag inside the block, and specify the dimension you want to use. For example:

      dimensions {
        dimension "Product Type"
        dimension "Brand"
        dimension "Sales Representative"
        dimension "Supplier"
        dimension "Group"

    NOTE: Dimensions appear in the order that they are listed in DiveTab. In this example, Admit Type is the primary dimension, and the rest are switchable dimensions in the dimension context menu with the ability to dive. Some stamps show more or fewer dimensions based on the stamp's given measure.

  12. Optionally, add the filters block, add the filter tag inside the block, and specify the dimension name you want to use as a filter. For example:

      filters {
        filter "State"
        filter "City"
  13. Optionally, in DiveTab 7.1(21) and later, add the external-central-page id block to create a central page link in the stamp report analysis page.

      external-central-page id = "cp-admit-type-details" area-id = "data-area-landing"
  14. Optionally, in DiveTab 7.1(21) and later, add the update-time block to show the stamp's update time in the bottom right of the stamp.

      update-time aux-measure = "Update Time" format = "MMM D, YYYY"

See also: