Hardware and Software Requirements

The DiveTab application has the following requirements:

  • An iPad, an Apple Inc. mobile digital device, or tablet computer

    NOTE: A 64-bit iPad is required to use DiveTab Offline

  • iOS version 8.0 or later
  • Minimal iPad storage of at least 32 GB for DiveTab and other app data files
  • An iTunes account for the App Store
  • A license for DiveTab issued and installed on your DiveTab server
  • Access to a wireless network

If you choose to use the PC version, the requirements are:

  • Microsoft Windows XP or newer, including Microsoft Vista, Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows 10 OS
  • .NET 4.7.2 framework
  • Java 10
  • Apache Tomcat 9

DiveTab Version 1.7 includes the following features:

  • A landing or home page that gives you one entry point and links to all of your key pages
  • Menu pages below the home page that logically organize your pages
  • Tabular displays, with expandable columns and links to other tabular pages
  • Free form displays with multiple tabs to display tables, graphs, and images
  • The ability to dive from both tabular and free form displays when you are connected
  • Access to documents, pictures, and videos from a document library
  • The option to display presentations on a projector
  • Offline access to defined data pages

You should also make note of the following points:

  • Minor iOS updates should be applied when available
  • Major iOS updates should be applied when customers feel confident that all of their software can run on the new version
  • Data can be synched periodically and used in a disconnected or connected mode
  • Depending on server configuration, you might require a connection to perform an initial dive on table data that is not pre-loaded. Once completed, data associated with the dive is stored locally on the iPad
  • Initial synchronization can pause and restart where it left off
  • Re-synching needs to proceed from start to finish