Date and Time Functions
Spectre date and time functions manipulate, compare, and perform calculations on date, datetime, period, and time values in expressions. These functions can be used in all Spectre file types.
Note that some functions have different formats, such that the supplied arguments determine the behavior.

For example:
`age(date("1935/01/08"), date("2003/01/01"))` returns 67
`age(date("1776/07/04"), date("1976/07/04"))` returns 200
`age(date("2004/12/25"), date("2003/03/03"))` returns 0
add "Patient Age" `age(value("Patient Birth Date"), today())` adds a column with the patient's current age
`age(date(datetime("1954/12/04 05:00:00")), date(datetime("2019/03/09 15:07:00")))` returns 64

For example:
`date_from_date_number(42301)` returns 2015/10/24
`date_from_date_number(41320)` returns 2013/02/15

For example:
`date_number(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 42301
`date_number(date("2008/12/29"))` returns 39811
`date_number(date(datetime("2018/12/29 03:10:27")))` returns 43463

For example:
`day("standard", date("2018/10/24"))` returns 24
`day("offset November", date("2017/03/01"))` returns 1
`day(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 24
`day(datetime("2019/12/04 23:20:05"))` returns 4

For example:
`day_name(date("2015/10/24"))` returns Saturday
NOTE: day-name() returns the name in the language configured on the server.

For example:
`elapsed_time("2000/05/12", "10:25:00", "2000/05/12", "23:30:00")` returns 13:05:00
`elapsed_time("2005/12/31", "23:59:00", "2006/01/01", "00:00:00")` returns 00:01:00
`elapsed_time("2005/07/04", "00:00:00", "2005/07/05", "00:00:00")` returns 24:00:00
`elapsed_time("", " 23:30:00", "", "10:25:00")` returns -13:05:00
`elapsed_time("", " 10:25:00", "", "23:30:00")` returns 13:05:00
`elapsed_time("2006/07/04", "00:00:00", "1776/07/04", "00:00:00")` returns -2016120:00:00
`elapsed_time("1776-07-04", "00:00:00", "2006-07-04", "00:00:00")` returns 2016120:00:00
`elapsed_time(\"2017/01/22\", \"\", \"2017/01/23\", \"14:00:00\")` returns null
`elapsed_time(datetime("1999/12/22 13:23:34"), datetime("1999/12/23 14:24:36"))` returns 25:01:02
`elapsed_time(datetime("2018/12/22 13:23:34"), datetime("2018/12/21 14:24:36"))` returns -22:58:58
add "ED Length of Visit" `elapsed_time(value("ED Arrival Date Time"), value("ED Departure Date Time"))` adds a column with the length of visit
TIP: Because the elapsed_time function requires string processing, it is slower than using elapsed_time_in_seconds.

For example:
`elapsed_time_in_seconds(date("2000/05/12"), 10, 25, 00, date("2000/05/12"), 23, 30, 00)` returns 47100 seconds (that is 13:05:00).
`elapsed_time_in_seconds(datetime("1999/12/22 13:23:34"), datetime("1999/12/23 14:24:36"))` returns the integer 90062 (that is, 25*60*60 + 1*60 + 2)
`elapsed_time_in_seconds(date("2000/05/11"), 10, 25, 00, date("2000/05/12"), 23, 30, 00)` returns 133500
`elapsed_time_in_seconds(date("2000/05/12"), 10, 25, 00, date("2000/05/11"), 23, 30, 00)` returns -39300
TIP: When practical, use this function rather than the elapsed_time function—the lack of string processing makes it faster.

For example:
`extract(value("Last Date", "week") returns the ISO8601 week number for the date in the named column
`extract("offset september", date("2017/09/02"), "year")` returns 2018 because September 2017 is the first month of the year 2018 in the named calendar
`extract("standard", date("2017/09/02"), "year")` returns 2017
`extract("offset November", date("2015/11/30"), "year")` returns 2016
`extract("offset November", date("2015/11/30"), "month")` returns 1
`extract("iso 8601", date("2015/11/30"), "week")` returns 49
`extract(date("2015/10/24"), "year")` returns 2015
`extract(date("2015/10/24"), "month")` returns 10
`extract(period("standard", "year-month", "2017/10"), "year")` returns 2017
`extract(datetime("2018/03/09 01:00:05"), "year")` returns 2018
(Deprecated syntax) `extract(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "year")` returns 2015
(Deprecated syntax) `extract(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "month")` returns 10

For example:
`format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "MMM D, YYYY")` returns Oct 24, 2015
`format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "MMMM")` returns October
`format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "AAAA")` returns Saturday
`format_date(date("2015/10/24"), "AAA")` returns Sat
NOTE: The name-producing variants of format-date() return the name in the language configured on the server.

For example:
`format_datetime(datetime("2018/10/24 10:30:05"), "MMM D, YYYY hh:mm")` returns Oct 24, 2018 10:30
`format_datetime(datetime("2019/03/24 23:17:00"), "MMMM ii:mm")` returns March 11:17
dimension "fmt DT" `format_datetime(value("when"),"MMM D, YYYY hh:mm")` returns the dimension value Nov 9, 2017 09:59 if the cBase column when contains the datetime value 2017/11/09 09:59:48

For example:
`format_period(period("standard", "year-month", date("2017/02/15")), "MMM-YYYY")` returns Feb-2017
`format_period(period("iso 8601", "year-week", date("2016/01/31")), "YYYY!W")` returns 2016!4
(Deprecated syntax) `format_period(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "MMM YYYY")` returns Oct 2015

For example:
`format_time("10:45", "hh:mm")` returns 10:45:00.
`format_time("65", "mm")` returns 1:05:00.
`format_time("01 01 25 32", "dd hh mm ss")` returns 25:25:32

For example:
`format_timevalue(11160, "HH:MM:SS")` returns "03:06:00"
`format_timevalue(11160, "H:MM:SS")` returns"3:06:00"
`format_timevalue(360, "M:SS")` returns "6:00"
`format_timevalue(600, "M:SS")` returns "10:00"
`format_timevalue(6000, "M:SS")` returns "100:00"
`format_timevalue(3723, "H:M:S")` returns "1:2:3"
`format_timevalue(10921, "SS:MM:HH")` returns "01:02:03"
`format_timevalue(-600, "HH:MM:SS")` returns "-00:10:00"
`format_timevalue(11160, "HHMMSS")` returns "030600"
`format_timevalue(11160, "HMMSS")` returns "30600"
`format_timevalue(360, "MSS")` returns "600"
`format_timevalue(10921, "SSMMHH")` returns "010203"

For example:
`hours("20:15:05")` returns 20
`hours(datetime("2019/12/04 23:20:05"))` returns 23

For example:
`minutes("20:15:05")` returns 15
`minutes(datetime("2019/12/04 23:20:05"))` returns 20

For example:
`month("standard", date("2017/11/24"))` returns 11
`month("offset November", date("2017/12/01"))` returns 2
`month(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 10
`month(period("standard", "year-month", "2017/08"))` returns 8
(Deprecated syntax) `month(period("gregorian month", "2015/06"))` returns 6
`month(datetime("2019/12/04 12:30:10"))` returns 12

For example:
`month_name(date("2015/10/24"))` returns October
`month_name(date("2015/04/01"))` returns April
`month_name(date(datetime("2019/07/01 09:55:01")))` returns July
NOTE: month-name() returns the name in the language configured on the server.

For example:
`now()` returned 2018/04/24 11:34:21 when running a test script—it always returns the current date and time
add "Timestamp" `now()` creates a new column of type datetime which always has the value of "right now"
add "delta" `elapsed_time(value("Admit Time"), now())` sets the delta column to the difference between the admit time and now, all of which are of type datetime
add "delta seconds" `elapsed_time_in_seconds(value("Admit Time"), now())` sets the delta seconds column to the difference between the admit time in seconds and now in seconds

For example:
`offset("standard", date("2017/10/24"), "month", 1)` returns 2017/11/24
`offset(date("2015/10/24"), "month", 1)` returns 2015/11/24
`offset("standard", date("2017/03/29"), "year", -1)` returns 2016/03/29
`offset(date("2015/03/29"), "year", -1)` returns 2014/03/29
`offset(datetime("2019/10/24 12:30:15"), "month", 1)` returns 2019/11/24 12:30:15
`offset(datetime("2019-01-01 03:00:00", "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"), "hour", -5)` returns 2018-12-31 22:00:00
`offset(period("year-month", "2020/10"), "month", 1)` returns 2020/11
(Deprecated syntax) `offset(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "month", 1)` returns 2015/11
`offset(period("offset June", "year-month", "2021 M10"), "month", 3)` returns 2022 M01
`offset(period("offset March", "year-month", "2021/07", "YYYY/MM"), "month", 2)` returns 2021 M09

For example:
`period("standard", "year", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 2015
`period("standard", "year-tertile", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 2015 T3
`period("standard", "year-quarter", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 2015 Q4
`period("standard", "year-quarter", date(datetime("2018/11/30 06:00:15")))` returns 2018 Q4
`period("standard", "year-quarter", today())` returns the quarter containing today's date; where today is 7/26/2021, returns 2021 Q3
`period("standard", "year-month", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 2015/11
`period("standard", "year", value("Sales Date Time"))` where Sales Date Time is 2019/12/04 08:45:16 returns 2019
`period("offset August", "year-month", value("Ship Date"))` returns a fiscal month value for the ship date; where ship date is 2020/02/10 returns 2020 M07
(Deprecated syntax) `period("gregorian month", date("2015/03"))` returns 2015/03
(Deprecated syntax) `period("gregorian quarter", today())` returns the quarter containing today's date
(Deprecated syntax) `period("bus-cal.cbase", value("Trans Date"))` returns the period for the transaction date as defined in the business calendar
column "YQ" `period("standard", "year-quarter", date(datetime("2020/11/30 06:00:15")))` returns 2020 Q4
column "QYfmt" `period("standard", "year-quarter", date(datetime("2020/11/30 06:00:15")))` format="\\QQ-YYYY" returns Q4-2020
For example:
`period("standard", "year-month", "03-2015", "MM-YYYY")` returns the period value 2015/03
`period("standard", "year-quarter", "2017!2", "YYYY!Q")` returns the period value 2017 Q2
(Deprecated syntax) `period("gregorian month", "03-2015", "MM-YYYY")` returns the period value 2015/03
- The calendar string can be one of the following: "standard", "offset <month-name>", "iso 8601". The "standard", "offset <month-name>" calendar strings support period types: "year", "year-half", "year-quarter", "year-tertile", and "year-month". The "iso 8601" calendar string supports period types "year" and "year-week". Custom calendar names and period are also supported.
- The deprecated calendar-period string can be one of the following: "gregorian month", gregorian month with an offset (for example, "gregorian+3 month"), "gregorian quarter", "iso8601 week", or a custom calendar name.

For example:
`period_end(period("standard", "month", "2015/10"))` returns 2015/10/31
(Deprecated syntax) `period_end(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"))` returns 2015/10/31
`period_end(period("standard", "year-month", "2019/08"))` returns 2019/08/31
For example:
`period_end(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "quarter")` returns 2015/12/31
`period_end(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"), "month")` returns 2015/10/31
`period_end(date("2017/06/20"), "month")` returns 2017/06/30
`period_end(datetime("2019/10/20 10:30:15"), "quarter")` returns 2019/12/31

For example:
`period_start(period("standard", "year-tertile", date("2015/12/11")))` returns 2015/09/01
`period_start(period("offset november", "year-quarter", date("2016/01/31")))` returns 2015/11/01
`period_start(period("gregorian month", "2015/10"))` returns 2015/10/01
For example:
`period_start("standard", date("2015/12/11"), "half")` returns 2015/07/01
`period_start("iso 8601", date("2016/01/01"), "week")` returns 2015/12/28
`period_start(period("gregorian month", "2015/07"), "year")` returns 2015/01/01
`period_start(date("2019/12/11"), "tertile")` returns 2019/09/01
`period_start(datetime("2019/12/11 13:45:01"), "half")` returns 2019/07/01
`period_start("standard", date(datetime("2019/12/11 12:00:00")), "quarter")` returns 2019/10/01

For example:
`quarter("standard", date("2017/10/24"))` returns 4
`quarter("offset November", date("2016/02/28"))` returns 2
`quarter(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 4
`quarter("standard", period("year-month", "2015/04"))` returns 2
(Deprecated syntax) `quarter(period("gregorian month", "2015/04"))` returns 2
`quarter("standard", date(datetime("2019/09/26 08:09:10")))` returns 3
`quarter(datetime("2019/01/26 09:16:20"))` returns 1

For example:
`same_period(value("YearMo"), "2017/02")` returns the period with the same calendar and period type as YearMo, parsed from the string "2017/02"
`same_period(value("YearMo"), "2017-2", "YYYY-M")` returns the period with the same calendar and period type as YearMo, parsed from the string "2017-2" using the format "YYYY-M"
For example:
`same_period(value("YearMo"), date("2017/02/02"))` returns the period with the same calendar and period type as YearMo, containing Feb 2, 2017
`same_period(value("YearMo"), value("Order Date"))` returns the period with the same calendar and period type as YearMo, containing the Order Date

For example:
`seconds("20:15:05")` returns 5
`seconds(datetime("1954/12/04 20:15:13"))` returns 13

For example:
`timevalue("00:00:20")` returns 20
`time_value("00:05:00")` returns 300
`timevalue("01:00:00")` returns 3600
`timevalue(datetime("2019/03/09 01:00:00"))` returns 3600
`time_value("24:00:00")` returns 86400
`time_value("-13:06:00")` returns -47160
`time_value("13:06", "HH:MM")` returns 47,160
`time_value("6:00", "MM:SS")` returns 360
`time_value("1:2:3", "SS:MM:HH")` returns 10,921
`time_value("-13:06", "HH:MM")` returns-47,160
`time_value("1306", "HHMM")` returns 47,160
`time_value("0600", "MMSS")` returns 360
`time_value("600", "MSS")` returns 360
`time_value("010203", "SSMMHH")` returns 10,921

For example:
`today()` returns 2017/08/18 when the script started execution on August 18th, 2017
`today() + 7` returns 2018/02/19 when the script started on February 12, 2018

For example:
`weekday("standard", date("2017/02/02"))` returns 5
`weekday("offset november", date("2015/12/12"))` returns 7
`weekday("iso 8601", date("2017/02/02"))` returns 4
`weekday(date("2017/02/02"), "ISO")` returns 4
`weekday(date("2001/09/10"))` returns 2 since September 10, 2001 was a Monday and the standard calendar numbers days from Sunday
`weekday(date(datetime("2001/09/10 07:00:00")))` returns 2
`weekday(date("2000/01/01"), "ISO")` returns 6 since January 1, 2000 was a Saturday and the ISO calendar numbers days from Monday
`weekday(date("1941/12/07"), "")` returns 1 since December 7, 1941 was a Sunday
NOTE: The variant of weekday() which takes a standard as the second argument is for compatibility with Integrator calcs, where you can specify "ISO" for the iso 8601 year-week calendar. The preferred variant is the one which takes the calendar argument first, which is consistent with other functions.

For example:
`week_date(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 2015-W43-6
`week_date(date("2016/01/01"))` returns 2015-W53-5
`week_date(date(datetime("2019/01/01 09:00:00")))` returns 2019-W01-2

For example:
`year("standard", date("2017/09/02"))` returns 2017
`year("offset November", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 2016
`year("iso 8601", date("2017/01/01"))` returns 2016
`year(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 2015
`year(period("standard", "year-month", "2014/10"))` returns 2014
(Deprecated syntax) `year(period("gregorian month", "2014/10"))` returns 2014
`year("standard", date(datetime("2019/09/02 08:10:20")))` returns 2019
`year(datetime("2019/10/21 12:30:02"))` returns 2019

For example:
`year_day("standard", date("2017/01/01"))` returns 1
`year_day("standard", date("2017/02/12"))` returns 43
`year_day("offset november", date("2015/11/30"))` returns 30
`year_day(date("2015/01/01"))` returns 1
`year_day(date("2015/10/24"))` returns 297
`year_day(datetime("2019/10/21 12:30:02"))` returns 294
See also: