About DiveTab Scripts

DiveTab scripts, also referred to as modules, define a portion of the DiveTab application that includes the menu, data, document, repository, and web page areas. When you develop a DiveTab application, you create scripts to define how the information is accessed and displayed. A DiveTab application can use one or more DiveTab scripts. One primary script, usually with a menu area, is specified as the starting point or landing page.

Each DiveTab script starts with a top-level divetab tag to identify the file as a DiveTab script. The divetab tag includes a version string attribute followed by a set of braces.

divetab version = "0.0" { 

Between the open and close braces, various tags, one per line, define the application. The development process includes the use of both GUI and text editors. A DiveTab script is saved with the file extension divetab.

A DiveTab script can be categorized into the following major blocks:

  • Menu Area Block—Contains tags to define menu buttons.
  • Definitions Block—Contains tags that can be used by multiple data pages.

    These include tags for Column Sets, Expand Sets, and Elements.

    • Column Sets provide tags for setting up columns to be used for consistent data presentation on multiple pages.
    • Expand Sets provide tags for defining a standard set of additional columns available to the end users.
    • Elements contain the various tags for designing free-form areas for central and overview pages.

    These tags can be included directly under a specific data page. However, by placing the tags under a Definitions block, they can be used by different data pages multiple times.

  • Data Area Block—Contains the various data pages for analyzing data. Within the data area, data pages can be placed within a Sections or Pages block.
  • Non-Data Area Block—Contains other content such as presentations, documents, and web pages.

Here is an example of a DiveTab script with Closedkey blocks collapsed.

Collapsed data script example

DiveTab scripts use syntax that is similar to Spectre scripts.

See also: