Defining a DiveTab Connection and Project

As a prerequisite for defining a DiveTab connection and project, you must complete the following procedure.

Installing a DivePort Instance for DiveTab

To define a DiveTab connection on the server:

  1. Open Workbench.
  2. Select File > Open Connection.
  3. On the ClosedConnection Manager, click Add Connection (the green plus sign) and select DiveTab as the connection type.

    The Workbench Connection Manager

  4. Enter the DiveTab URL, consisting of the server string and portal name. This is the DivePort instance you previously created—for example:

    Make sure to include a port number where necessary. For example: https://<server>:<port>/<divetab portal>

  5. Specify a Label, such as DiveTab Portal.

    NOTE: This step is optional, but having a label helps keep names consistent.

  6. Enter a User and Password.

    NOTE: This step is optional, but by providing the user and password you can connect without entering your credentials every time. Alternatively, you can enter just your username, and you are prompted for your password when you connect.

  7. Click Login.

    The ClosedOpen Project dialog box displays.

    Opening or creating a DiveTab project

  8. Click Create New Project.

    The ClosedNew Project dialog box opens.

    The New Project dialog for a DiveTab project.

  9. In the New Project dialog box:

    • In the Project Name box, enter a name for the project.
    • Notice that Project Root appends the name used to the default location (change if required)—for example:
    • In the Initial Contents list, select Default Folder Structure to create a set of default folders for the project. See About DiveTab Projects for more information.
    • Add a project description.
    • Ensure that the Enable automated version control check box is selected (default) to create checkpoints of project files.

    New Project dialog with information

  10. Click OK.

    The ClosedDiveTab project is created and displays the default folders in Workbench Explorer.

    The default folders included with a project

After you create the DiveTab connection and project structure, you can create a DiveTab module. For more information, see Creating the Initial DiveTab Module.