What Is a Style Column?

A ProDiver style column contains a set of instructions that specify custom formatting for one or more values in a row, based on criteria that is embedded in the style column definition. Format changes are saved in an external lookup file that can be added to the cBase or model as an info field.

The style column overrides the default appearance of a report without altering the underlying marker file. For example, a style column can define criteria such as Use green bold font to indicate that a salesperson sold 100 cases of product with a profit margin of 70% using a logic function calculation:

If(and(Total[Cases]>100, calc[Margin Pct] >.7), "FontStyle=Bold, TextColor=Green"))

When the report is generated, ProDiver compares the dimension values to the style column, and applies green bold font to indicate those salespeople that met the specified criteria.

Style columns provide flexibility to the report view. You can:

  • Apply filtered calculations

  • Use QuickViews for dimension value-based customizations