Style Column Format

Column format is defined using comma-separated style name/value pairs.

Syntax: <StyleName>="<Value>"

Example: BackColor="LtGrey", FontSize="14", FontStyle="Bold"

Each style argument included in the definition string is cumulative. Therefore, the argument in the previous example, generates a bold, 14pt font on a cell with a light grey background. Applying a Normal font style resets the item value to the default report font. However, in case of a conflict, style column formatting overrides the default formatting. So, the argument FontStyle="Normal", FontStyle= "Italic" retains the italics, but changes bold or underlined font back to the default format.

Font styles

Name Value
FontFace Specifies the font type. For example, Arial, Verdana, and Courier.
FontSize Specifies the font size, in points. For example, 8, 10, and 12.
FontStyle Specifies the font style. Options are Normal, Bold, Italic, and Underline.

Spacing styles

Using pixels, the spacing styles specify the horizontal, vertical, and line spacing attributes for report items.

Name Value
HorizontalSpacing Specifies the amount of space in pixels, that appears to the left or right of text. For left- or center-justified items, the space is added to the left of the item. For right-justified items, the space is added to the right. This attribute does not support negative numbers.
VerticalSpacing Specifies the amount of space in pixels, that appears above the item.
LineSpacing Specifies the amount of space in pixels, that appears below the item.

Number Styles

Name Value
NumDecimals Specifies the number of decimals places to display. If you enter a negative value such as -1, ProDiver uses the default value for the data type of the underlying column. For example, 0 for integers, 4 for floating points, and 2 for currency types. You are limited by the number of decimal places in the underlying column.
SkipZeroes Determines how zero values display. Specify true to display zeroes as blanks, or false to display zeroes as zeroes.
BlankZeroes Determines how blank values display. Specify true to display blank values as zeroes, or false to display blank values as blank.

Determines how group separators display. Specify true to use group separators based on local settings, or false to omit separators.

Numbers with many digits before or after the decimal mark can be divided into groups using a delimiter, with the counting of groups starting from the decimal mark in both directions. For example, numbers grouped in three use a thousands separator. ProDiver uses the group separator that matches the current locale on the machine.


Defines the type of number formatting. Options are:

None—Applies no special formatting. Value appears as a number.

Accounting—Surrounds negative numbers with parentheses.

Percentage—Adds a percent sign to the value without further formatting.

PercentageAdjust—Adds a percent sign and multiplies the value by 100.

Currency—Adds a currency symbol to the number in the US dollars format by default. You can combine this option with the CurrencyType style to define symbol for other countries.


Specifies the currency symbol and placement (left or right of the number). The item format must be defined as currency, either as a base item or with the FormatType="Currency" number style.

Options include United States, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, China - Hong Kong, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and United Kingdom.

Justification styles

Name Value
VerticalJustification Specifies the item's vertical justification. Options are Top, Center, and Bottom.
HorizontalJustification Specifies the item's horizontal justification. Options are Left, Center, and Right.
ForcePage Determines if the item appears on a new page. Specify true to force a page break. Specify false to not force a page break. This attribute does not affect the first row.

Borders, foreground, and background color styles

Name Value

Specifies if border lines are added to the item. Options are None, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, RowTop (border added at the very top of the row), and RowBottom (border added at the very bottom of the row).


Specifies the color of the item text. The color can be defined as one of the following predefined colors, or as RGB values. Predefined colors are Black, White, Grey, DkGrey, LtGrey, Blue, Red, and Green.

To define the color using RGB values, use the TextColorR, TextColorG, and TextColorB styles. Do not include a space between values. For example, "TextColorR=128,TextColorG=255,TextColorB=255".




Specifies the red, green, and blue color values that when combined, define the text color. Each value is an integer in the range of 0–255.

See also About RGB Colors.


Specifies the item's background color. The color can be defined as one of the following predefined colors, or as RGB values. Predefined colors are Black, White, Grey, DkGrey, LtGrey, Blue, Red, and Green.

To define the color using RGB values, use the BackColorR, BackColorG, and BackColorB styles. Do not include a space between values. For example, "BackColorR=255,BackColorG=255,BackColorB=153".




Specifies the red, green, and blue color values that when combined, define the background color. Each value is an integer in the range of 0–255.

See also About RGB Colors.

BackColorSkipRows Specifies that the background color appears on even numbered rows only. Specify true to enable this option.
BackRowFill Specifies the extent of the item's background color. Specify true to color the background of the entire cell. Specify false to color the space immediately behind the text only.

Preceding and trailing text styles

Name Value
PrecedingText Specifies a text string to add before the item text.
TrailingText Specifies a text string to add after the item text.

Excluding values

Name Value
Skip Determines if the item is included in the report. Specify true to exclude the item value from the report.