Saving a Dive Window

You can save a copy of the active dive window to your local hard drive in the following formats:


To save a copy of the active dive window:

  1. Select File > Save > Download Window.

    The Save window as dialog box opens.

  2. In the Save in box, browse to the folder in which you want to save the file.

    You cannot save files to a different project.

  3. In the Format box, select a format for the saved file.

    TAB, CSV, and XML formats are available only if you are saving a tabular dive window.

  4. If you want to save the Totals or Subtotals line in the output file, select the Save Totals check box. (This option is not available for pdf format.)

    If you are saving a tab or csv file for use in Microsoft Excel, and you want the data in the Totals row to be included as numbers instead of column sums, clear the Save Totals check box.

  5. If you are saving a pdf file, you can select the Embed Fonts check box to include font information in the pdf file. However, doing so dramatically increases the file size.

    Saving to pdf uses font metrics that are slightly different from screen rendering. This occasionally affects the text layout on the pdf file.

  6. In the File name box, enter a name.

  7. Click Save.

Watch the Video: Saving a Dive.