About ProDiver QuickView Sets

A ProDiver QuickView set is a file that you can use to store related external, list, and DiveBook types of QuickViews. They are typically used to store a collection of commonly-used QuickViews. QuickView sets can be applied to multiple cBases or models and they can expedite report creation if you generate reports using the same type of data on multiple cBases or models.

When you create a QuickView set, the individual QuickViews are saved in the ProDiver QuickView set file instead of being saved in marker files. However, if time series QuickViews are present when you save a marker that contains a QuickView set, the time series QuickView is saved in the marker, but not in the QuickView set file.

QuickView sets are saved externally with a qvs extension. When markers refer to a QuickView set, any updates to the QuickView set, such as attribute changes or additional QuickViews, are automatically inherited when you open the marker file.

IMPORTANT: Spectre can also define what are known as QuickView Sets with a qvset file extension. Spectre QuickView Set files define QuickViews for use with cPlans, cBases, and Spectre Dive Files.. For more information, see Workbench Help.