Indicator Component Tags

Use the following tags to define an indicator component for a stamp portlet.

Tag Example Description

indicator type="alert" {

position {

top 52

left 290


value "$(MEASURE_1)" {

timeseries {

range "cd"

variation "cvp-pct"



size {

width 15

height 15


colors {

macro "ui_color_red"

macro "ui_color_grey"

macro "ui_color_green"


threshold -5

threshold 5


Defines the block for an indicator component. The block and possible attributes:

indicator type=<display type of indicator> {



<style (optional)>

<click actions (optional)>

<value> (just one)

<first threshold> (optional)

<second threshold> (optional)



type indicator type="racetrack"

Indicates the type of indicator to display. Allowed indicator display types:

  • alert
  • rectangle
  • racetrack
  • vertical-racetrack
  • gauge
  • left-gauge
  • right-gauge
  • fill-gauge
  • circular-gauge
  • horizontal-bullet
  • vertical-bullet
  • text
  • plusminus
  • vertical-plusminus
  • slope
  • slider
  • vertical-slider
  • slider-light
Additional optional indicator attributes:

alert-options {

text-position "right"

show-when-null in-color="rgb(255, 0, 0)"

text-colors {

color "rgb(255, 0, 0)"

color "rgb(0, 255, 0)"

color "rgb(0, 0, 255)"



Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Contains sub-tags that set options for alert indicators. Options are:

  • text-position—Sets where text goes on the alert. Options are"center", "top", "bottom", "right", and "left".

  • show-when-null—Flag to show when the alert value is null. There is a in-color attribute that optionally sets the color when a null alert displays.

  • text-colors—Set the colors used for each threshold. The number of colors provided must be equal to the number of thresholds plus one.

For information about the define-direction-thresholds and use-color-thresholds-for-triangle-direction tags, see Triangle Direction Settings.


bar-options {

bullet-bar-color "rgb(255, 0, 0)"



Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Contains sub-tags that set options for a horizontal-bullet and vertical-bullet indicators.

  • bullet-bar-color—Sets the bar color.

  • show-value-on-bar—Flag to show the measure value as text overlaid on the bar.

  • target—Specify the value to use as the target. When specified, a line is drawn at the target number.

  • baseline—Specify the value to use as a baseline for plusminus or vertical-plusminus indicators. Specifies the point on the x-axis that shows if data values are above (plus) or below (minus) the baseline. The default baseline value is 0.


colors {

hex "ffaa22"

hex "B2B2B2"



colors {

macro "ui_color_red"

macro "ui_color_grey"

macro "ui_color_green"


Specifies any number of lines describing colors in the order in which they are to be used. The options to define color can be mixed and matched.

CSS Color Syntax
"#XXX" hex "XXX"
"skin:X" skin "X"
value of macro $(MACRO "X") as evaluated at render time macro "X"



rgb # # #


[last number, alpha, should be 0-1]

rgba # # # #
NOTE: When colors are qualitative (for example: an indicator component with thresholds), colors in the colors tag should be listed from "bad" to "good." DivePort places the colors according to the measure's good direction.

indicator type = "text" {


fixed-text-color "#FFFFFF"



Mimics the DivePort functionality for Indicator and Measures Portlets that colors the indicator background rather than the text itself.

To set a fixed text color, use the tag fixed-text-color followed on the same line by a CSS color string in quotes. For example, "rgb(5,5,5)",.

color-value color-value "$(MEASURE_1)" Colors the indicator background based on an alternate value

filter "value(\"Facility\")=\"Longwood Hospital\"" context="record"

Defines an expression for a filter and the context—use summary for a window-level filter or record for a dive-level filter.

gauge-options {




Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Contains sub-tags that set options for a gauge or circular-gauge indicator. Options are:

  • needle-type—Sets the needle that displays. Options are "long" or "triangle". This tag is specific to the gauge indicator type.

  • color-needle—Flag to make the needle color match the threshold it points to. This tag is specific to the gauge indicator type.

  • show-value-name—Flag to make the measure name appear. This tag is specific to the circular-gauge indicator type.

  • value-name-font—Sets the measure name font and color using sub-tags. This tag is specific to the circular-gauge indicator type. Options are:

    • font—Sets the font and text size.

    • color—Sets the color.

hide-axes hide-axes

Prevents the baseline value from displaying as an axis label on horizontal indicators.

NOTE: When a horizontal indicator is used in a column, space limitations require that the baseline is the only value that is labeled on the axis.

justification justification "right"

Defines the justification for a text indicator. Defaults to center. Options are:

  • left
  • right
  • center
scale-max scale-max 100 Defines the scale maximum with a number or macro.
scale-min scale-min -100 Defines the scale minimum with a number or macro.

scale-options {

scale-min 1000

scale-max 4000

scale-format "0.0"

scale-font "Verdana 20"


Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Contains sub-tags that set scale options. Options are:

  • scale-min—Sets the minimum for the gauge.

  • scale-max—Sets the maximum for the gauge.

  • scale-format—Sets a number format string for the scale.

  • scale-font—Sets the font and font size for the scale numbers.

shape shape "square"

Defines the shape for an alert indicator. Options are:

  • circle
  • triangle
  • square

subtitle "Subtitle" {

color "rgb(0, 255, 0)"

font "Verdana 12"


Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Sets a subtitle name. This tag has two sub-tags. Options are:

  • color—Sets the color of the subtitle text.

  • font—Sets the font and size of the subtitle text.


threshold -5

threshold 5


threshold "$(MACRO $(CONCAT $(MEASURE_1) \"_threshold\"))"

Defines a list of simple thresholds in order. You cannot mix-and-match threshold types: if one threshold is a constant (number), they all must be constants; if one is a macro string, they must all be macro strings.

NOTE: The macro strings must evaluate to constants, not column names.

This macro expression example sets a different threshold for each measure.

Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later, the inclusive sub-tag specifies the threshold as inclusive.


threshold-value "$(MEASURE_2)"


threshold-value "$(MEASURE_NAME)" {

time-series {

range "mtd"

variation "p"


aux-measure "Target"


Defines measure-based thresholds, with time series or auxiliary measures or both. The measure can be a fixed name or a macro.

Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later, the inclusive sub-tag specifies the threshold as inclusive.


title "Title" {

color "rgb(255, 0, 0)"

font "Verdana 26"


Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later.

Sets a title name. This tag has two sub-tags. Options are:

  • color—Sets the color of the title text.

  • font—Sets the font and size of the title text.

The following tags are for the value tag and its attributes.

Tag Example Description
value value "GL rate"

Indicates the measure name. Can also be specified as:

value "$(MEASURE_1)"

to indicate user-chosen measures.



value "Average LOS" {

absolute-time-series {

period "q"

period-number 1

offset-period "y"

offset-number -2




A value attribute that defines the measure value as an absolute-time series column.

The absolute-time-series block has four required child tags:

  • period "< q or m>"—the length of time to cover.

    • q (quarter)
    • m (month)
  • period-number <#>—number of the period to choose; for example period "m" and period-number 3 would result in the time range March.
  • offset-period "<y>"—the period by which to offset the time range. Must be longer than or equal to the period. For 0 offset, choose y.

    • y (year)—for example 'offset by -2 years'
  • offset-number <#>—number of periods (see offset-period) by which to offset the time range. For no offset, use 0. Negative and positive numbers are permitted, but they might not be appropriate depending on the other settings.

value "Shipped Orders" {

comparison-time-series {

from {

relative-time-series {

number-of-periods 1

period "m"

offset-period "m"

offset-number -1



to {

relative-time-series {

number-of-periods 1

period "m"

offset-period "m"

offset-number 0



percent true


A value attribute that defines the measure value as a comparison-time series column.

A comparison-time-series takes two other (non-comparison) time series as its arguments and calculates the difference between them.

NOTE: Typically, the from and to time series are the same type, but that is not a requirement.


The percent attribute specifies if:

  • The percent difference between the two time series is calculated (true)

  • The difference between the two time series is calculated (false)

The default is false.


value "In-patients" {

relative-time-series {

period "y"

number-of-periods 1

offset-period "y"

offset-number -2




A value attribute that defines the measure value as a relative-time series column.

The relative-time-series block has four required child tags:

  • period "<y, q, m, w, or d>"—the length of time to cover

    • y (year)
    • q (quarter)
    • m (month)
    • w (week)
    • d (day)
  • number-of-periods <#>—a positive number of periods
  • offset-period "<y, q, m, w, or d>"—the period by which to offset the time range. Must be longer than or equal to the period. For 0 offset, choose "y".

    • "y" (year)—for example 'offset by -2 years'
    • "q" (quarter)—available when period is quarter, month, week, or day
    • "m" (month)—available when period is month, week, or day
    • "w" (week)—available when period is week or day
    • "d" (day)—available only when period is day
  • offset-number <#>—number of periods (see offset-period) by which to offset the time range. For no offset, use 0. Negative and positive numbers are permitted, but they might not be appropriate depending on the other settings.

For example, period "y" and number-of-periods 5 and offset-number -1 and offset-period "y" gives 5 complete years ending with the year before the last complete year.


value "Admit rate" {

time-series {

range "mtd"

variation "c"

companion "p"


A value attribute that defines the measure value as a basic time series column.

range can be:

  • ytdtd (year to date)
  • ytd (year to complete month)
  • qtd (quarter to date)
  • mtd (month to date)
  • wtd (week to date)
  • cy (complete year)
  • cq (complete quarter)
  • cm (complete month)
  • cw (complete week)
  • cd (complete day)
  • rm12 (rolling 12 months, also known as rolling year by month)
  • y (partial year)
  • fm (future months)
  • qv (a time range determined by the Time Range QuickView)

variation can be:

  • c (current)
  • p (previous)
  • py (previous year)
  • cvp (current versus previous)
  • cvpy (current versus previous year)
  • cvp-pct (current versus previous percent)
  • cvpy-pct (current versus previous year percent)

companion can be p (previous) only. PR 44189

NOTE: The companion attribute applies to stamp templates only. It specifies that the default analysis displays a previous column instead of the default previous year column.


value "Shipped Orders" {

to-date-time-series {

period "y"

to-period "d"

offset-period "y"

offset-number -2




A value attribute that defines the measure value as a to-date-time series column.

The to-date-time-series block has four required child tags:

  • period "<y, q, m, or w>"—the length of time to cover

    • y (year)
    • q (quarter)
    • m (month)
    • w (week)
  • to-period "<q, m, or d>"—complete the phrase: "<period> to complete <to-period>"; for example period "y" and to-period "m" would result in the time range 'year to complete month.' The options "q" and "m" (quarter and month) are only available for a period of "y" (year). If period is quarter, month, or week, only "d" (day) can be used as the to-period.
  • offset-period "<y, q, m, or w>"—the period by which to offset the time range. Must be longer than or equal to the period. For 0 offset, choose "y".

    • "y" (year)—for example: 'offset by -2 years'
    • "q" (quarter)—available when period is quarter, month, week, or day, that is, not year
    • "m" (month)—available when period is month, week, or day
    • "w" (week)—available when period is week or day
  • offset-number <#>—number of periods (see offset-period) by which to offset the time range. For no offset, use 0. Negative and positive numbers are permitted, but they might not be appropriate depending on the other settings.

See Stamp Component Tags for attributes common to all the component types used in a stamp.