Chart Component Tags
Use the following tags to define a chart component for a stamp portlet.
Tag | Example | Description | ||||||||||||||
chart |
components { chart type="stackedcolumn" { dimension "Created Year" value "$(MEASURE_1)" position { top 10 left 10 } size { width 520 height 480 } } } |
Defines the block for a chart component. The block and possible attributes: chart type=<type of chart> { <position> <size> <style> <click actions (optional)> }
type | chart type="area" |
Indicates the type of chart to include in the stamp. Options are:
Other attributes that might be available, depending on the chart type: | ||||||||||||||||
additional-values |
additional-values { additional-value "$(MEASURE_2)" { point-style "circle" color "rgb(0,0,255)" } additional-value "$(MEASURE_3)" { time-series { range "ytdtd" variation "c" } } |
Defines additional values for box plot charts. Options are settings for
always-include-zero | always-include-zero false |
Indicates if zeros display. Defaults to true. Only applies to column and bar charts. NOTE: Use of this option is not recommended for a sparkcolumn chart. As in a normal column chart, having the chart not include zero is misleading because the lowest value visually appears to be a small fraction of the largest, when in fact it could be nearly equal to it, percentage-wise. In a sparkcolumn chart the misleading nature is even worse because there are no axes. |
arc-chart-options |
arc-chart-options { arc-direction "down" forward-label "Forward Label" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. This tag contains three sub-tags that set options for arc charts. Options are:
box-level-dimension | box-level-dimension "$(DIMENSION_2)" |
Used to define box plots based on a dimension, value, and level. For example: dimension "$(DIMENSION_1)" value "$(MEASURE_1)" box-level-dimension "$(DIMENSION_2)" |
box-values |
box-values { min "$(MEASURE_1)" low "$(MEASURE_2)" mid "$(MEASURE_3)" high "$(MEASURE_4)" max "$(MEASURE_5)" } |
Used for the legacy format of defining a box plot with min, low, mid, high, and max attributes. | ||||||||||||||
colors |
colors { macro "ui_color_red" macro "ui_color_grey" macro " ui_color_green" }
colors { rgb 246 117 33 }
colors { skin "qual:1" skin "qual:3" skin "qual:5" } |
Specifies any number of lines describing colors in the order in which they are to be used. The options to define color can be mixed and matched.
custom-hover | custom-hover "Hover text" | Applies to some area, bar, calendar, combination, sankey, finance, line, scatter plot, pie, and statistic charts. Specifies a customized tooltip that opens when a user places the pointer on a data object. | ||||||||||||||
end-value |
end-value "1000" { format "$#.0" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Defines the end value for a gantt chart. The format sub-tag can be used to set the format string for the values displayed on the axis. |
filter | filter "<filter expression>" context="summary" |
Defines an expression for a filter and the context—use summary for a window-level filter or record for a dive-level filter. Two functions are available: mf_value refers to a Measure Factory measure, with options to include date roll up or a time series. Details
Columns not already included in the portlet can be referred to in an mf_value function. They will be automatically added to the dive and can be filtered on. This takes one to six arguments. The first argument is the measure name. If only one argument is provided and that measure is only referred to once in the corresponding portlet, DivePort uses that measure plus whatever roll up or variation is present in the portlet. If two arguments are provided, the second argument is used as the date-rollup-variation (such as c or p). If three arguments are provided, the second and third arguments are respectively used as the range and variation for a basic time-series. If four or more arguments are provided, they are used an advanced time series. The format is: mf_value(meas_name : string, time_series_type : string, period : string, adv_arg : integer or string, offset_period : string, offset_number: integer) value_by_id can be used if value tags have an optional id attribute that is assigned a string. The filter function can use value_by_id("id_string") to refer to columns within the same stamp component. The context of the filter must be set to "summary" because measure factory columns only exist in the summary window. |
heatmap-options |
heatmap-options { show-cell-values binned-color-scale { colors { "rgb(255, 0, 0)" "rgb(0, 255, 0)" } bins 10 } } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. This tag contains multiple sub-tags with options for heatmap charts. Options are:
The color scale tag has the following sub-tags available:
hide-nulls | hide-nulls | Hides null values on bar charts when present. | ||||||||||||||
scatter-plot-options |
scatter-plot-options { point-size "3" color-value "rgb(255, 0, 0)" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. This tag contains multiple sub-tags with options for scatter charts. Options are:
The vary-point-size tag has multiple sub-tags that set the parameters for varying the point size. Options are:
start-value | start-value "0" { format "$#.0" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Defines the start value for a gantt chart. The format sub-tag can be used to set the format string for the values displayed on the axis. |
trellis-chart-options |
trellis-chart-options { subchart-type "bar" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. This tag contains multiple sub-tags with options for trellis charts. Options are:
The subtitle-settings tag has multiple sub-tags. Options are:
x-value | x-value "$(MEASURE_1)" |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Defines the x axis value for a scatter chart. |
y-value | y-value "$(MEASURE_2)" |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Defines the y axis value for a scatter chart. |
The following tags are for use with the legend visible tag set to true.
NOTE: When using multiple legend options, all must be on the same line. For example:
legend visible=true location="bottom" width=300
Tag | Example | Description | ||||||||||
legend visible |
legend visible=false |
Indicates whether to display the legend. Defaults to true. | ||||||||||
alternate-color-sort | alternate-color-sort |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Flag to set colors based on the original dimension data rather than the current sort settings. |
legend location |
legend location="top" legend location="right" width=100 |
Indicates where to place the legend. Options are:
legend width |
legend width=50 legend visible=true location="left" width=100 |
Indicates the integer pixel width for the legend. | ||||||||||
legend show-percent | legend show-percent=true |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. Indicates whether to show percentage values. Only available for donut and pie charts. |
log-scale | log-scale | Flag to use a log scale instead of the default linear scale. | ||||||||||
num-items |
num-items 10 | Indicates the integer number of items to which to limit the chart. | ||||||||||
scale-format |
scale-format "0" |
Sets the format of the scale values.
You can enter a customized scale_format using the following guidelines: 0 is a placeholder for a digit that always appears. If the format is 0.00 and the value is .3, 0.30 displays. # is a placeholder for a digit that only appears if the value has a digit in that position. If the format is ##.## and the value is 3.3, 3.3 displays. |
scale-max |
scale-max 100 scale-max "$(MACRO $(CONCAT $(MEASURE_1) _max))" |
Defines the scale maximum with a number or macro. | ||||||||||
scale-min |
scale-min 100 scale-min "$(MACRO $(CONCAT $(MEASURE_1) _min))" |
Defines the scale minimum with a number or macro. | ||||||||||
show-others | show-others | When used with num-items, groups the rest of the items into an others group. | ||||||||||
show-data-labels | show-data-labels | Flag to show labels for each data point. | ||||||||||
slant-labels | slant-labels | Specifies that horizontal axis labels are slanted. | ||||||||||
sort | sort "up" | Sorts the chart based on the first value. Does not affect donut and pie charts. Options are up or down. |
The following tags are for the dimension tag and its attributes.
Tag | Example | Description |
dimension | dimension "Year Created" |
Indicates the dimension name. Can also be specified as: dimension "$(DIMENSION_1)" to indicate the first user-chosen dimension, or dimension "$(DIMENSION_2)" to indicate the second dimension, and so on. |
category | category "Class" |
Indicates the category (second) dimension name. Can also be specified as: category "$(DIMENSION_2)" to indicate the second user-chosen dimension. This attribute applies to all of the supported multitab chart types. NOTE: You must add the multidimension option to the stamp template to allow selecting multiple dimensions in a stamp portlet configuration. |
date-rollup-span |
dimension "Year Created" { date-rollup-span "y" date-rollup-period "m" ... } |
A dimension attribute to indicate a span of dates for a rollup. Options are:
TIP: The date-rollup-span attribute is intended to be used with date-rollup-period and vice versa. |
date-rollup-period |
dimension "Month Created" { date-rollup-period "q" date-rollup-span "ytd" ... } |
A dimension attribute to indicate a period for the rollup. Options are:
label-format |
dimension "Month Created" { date-rollup-period "m" label-format "MM" } |
A dimension attribute that matches the date formatting within DivePort—for example: "MMMMM" for a single-letter month. This attribute is optional. |
label-width | label-width 100 | Applies to charts with a vertical orientation. Specifies the width of the vertical axis label, in pixels. |
source | source "Patient Age Group" |
Indicates the source dimension name. Can also be specified as: source "$(DIMENSION_1)" to indicate the first user-chosen dimension, or source "$(DIMENSION_2)" to indicate the second dimension, and so on. Use for connection charts (arc and chord) to indicate the source dimension. |
target | target "Facility" |
Indicates the target (second) dimension name. Can also be specified as: target "$(DIMENSION_2)" to indicate the second user-chosen dimension. Use for connection charts (arc and chord) to indicate the target dimension. |
The following tags are for the value tag and its attributes.
Tag | Example | Description | ||||||||||
value | value "GL rate" | Indicates the measure name. Can also be specified as: value "$(MEASURE_1)" value "$(MEASURE_1)", value "$(MEASURE_2)" ... to indicate user-chosen measures. NOTE: Donut and Pie charts support only one value. |
absolute-time-series |
value "Average LOS" { absolute-time-series { period "q" period-number 1 offset-period "y" offset-number -2 } ... } |
A value attribute that defines the measure value as an absolute-time series column. The absolute-time-series block has four required child tags:
aux-measure |
value "GL rate { aux-measure "run rate" ... } |
A value attribute that names an auxiliary measure to use for this column. This attribute is optional. If omitted, an ordinary measure value is used. NOTE: If aux-measure is used in a stamp template and a measure is specified that lacks that auxiliary measure in the factory configuration, the values for the auxiliary measure are all null (--) in the portal. |
axis |
value "Shipped Orders" { axis "right" } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) and later. A value attribute that sets which axis is used for the value. The allowed options are:
NOTE: Setting axis to right is equivalent to including the secondary-axis flag. If both axis and secondary-axis are present for a value attribute, the axis setting takes precedence. |
comparison-time-series |
value "Shipped Orders" { comparison-time-series { from { relative-time-series { number-of-periods 1 period "m" offset-period "m" offset-number -1 } } to { relative-time-series { number-of-periods 1 period "m" offset-period "m" offset-number 0 } } percent true } |
A value attribute that defines the measure value as a comparison-time series column. A comparison-time-series takes two other (non-comparison) time series as its arguments and calculates the difference between them. NOTE: Typically, the from and to time series are the same type, but that is not a requirement.
The percent attribute (available in Workbench 7.1(30) and later) specifies if:
The default is false. |
date-rollup-variation |
value "GL rate" { date-rollup-variation "cvp" } |
A value attribute to indicate the date range for the value. Options are:
Defaults to c if omitted. NOTE: The date-rollup-variation attribute is supported if the dimension has date rollup defined. |
format |
value "Total Claims" { format ="$#,##0.00" } |
A value attribute that indicates a display format. | ||||||||||
label |
value { label "$(MEASURE_LABEL \"GL rate\")" } |
A value attribute that provides a string or macro to label the value in the chart. This attribute is optional. | ||||||||||
line-style |
value "my-measure" { line-style "dashed" ... } |
A value attribute that indicates the line graphic style for a line chart. Options are:
Defaults to solid if omitted. NOTE: The line-style attribute is supported when the chart type is line, spline, multitab line, or multitab spline, and when the chart type is combination and the render type is line or spline. |
more-scale-options |
more-scale-options { right-scale-min 100000 } |
Available in Workbench 7.2(12) or later. A value attribute that sets the scale minimum, scale maximum, and scale format of the second axis. This attribute is optional. Options are:
Format options are:
You can enter a customized top/right-scale-format using the following guidelines: 0 is a placeholder for a digit that always appears. If the format is 0.00 and the value is .3, 0.30 displays. # is a placeholder for a digit that only appears if the value has a digit in that position. If the format is ##.## and the value is 3.3, 3.3 displays. |
point-style |
value "my-measure" { point-style "diamond" ... }
value "$(MEASURE_1)" { time-series { range "cd" variation "p" } point-style "circle" } |
A value attribute that indicates the point graphic style for line charts. Options are:
Defaults to none. NOTE: The point-style attribute is supported when the chart type is line, spline, multitab line, or multitab spline, and when the chart type is combination and the render type is line or spline. |
relative-time-series |
value "In-patients" { relative-time-series { period "y" number-of-periods 1 offset-period "y" offset-number -2 } ... } |
A value attribute that defines the measure value as a relative-time series column. The relative-time-series block has four required child tags:
For example, period "y" and number-of-periods 5 and offset-number -1 and offset-period "y" gives 5 complete years ending with the year before the last complete year. |
render-type |
value "$(MEASURE_1)"{ date-rollup-variation "c" render-type ="column" } |
A value attribute that indicates how to render the data in the chart. Options are:
Defaults to line if omitted. |
secondary-axis |
value "Total Admissions" { secondary-axis } |
A value attribute that plots the value on the right axis instead of the left, for multivalue chart types with horizontal major axes (for example, column or line). For multivalue chart types with vertical major axes (for example, bar), this attribute plots the value on the top axis instead of the bottom. NOTE: Only use secondary-axis with chart types where multiple axes are supported in a DivePort Chart Portlet: area, spline area, bar, column, combination, line, and spline. |
show-mean |
value "Total Admissions" { show-mean color "rgb(242,16, 16)" line-style "dashed" label } } |
A value attribute that causes a line to appear on the chart for the mean of that value.
show-median |
value "Total Admissions" {
show-median color "rgb(242,16, 16)" line-style "dashed" label } } |
A value attribute that causes a line to appear on the chart for the median of that value.
time-series |
value "GL Rate" { time-series { range "ytdtd" variation "c" } ... }
value "$(MEASURE_1)" { time-series { range "cd" variation "c" } point-style "circle" } |
A value attribute that defines the measure value as a basic time series column. range can be:
variation can be:
to-date-time-series |
value "Shipped Orders" { to-date-time-series { period "y" to-period "d" offset-period "y" offset-number -2 } ... } |
A value attribute that defines the measure value as a to-date-time series column. The to-date-time-series block has four required child tags:
See Stamp Component Tags for attributes common to all the component types used in a stamp.