Using this Help System

The layout of this Help system varies, depending on the device that you are using to view it.

A full screen view shows a search box in the center of the header and several navigation options: top menus, a breadcrumb trail, and a side-bar with related topics.

DiveTab PC Help - full screen

When viewing from a smaller device, such as a tablet or mobile device, the top menus and side-bar are hidden by default. You can access the top menus by clicking the menu icon on the right of the Help window title bar.

DiveTab PC Help - mobile screen

Some Help pages have details that can be viewed by clicking blue text or a drop-down arrow.

  • Clicking an Closedarrow in a box typically reveals a graphic. Often, it shows an example of what to expect on the screen.
  • Example of a hidden image.

Click the arrow again to reverse the action.

Help for Developers can be found in Workbench Help.