Installing DiveTab

The DiveTab client is available for download on Dimensional Insight's website. Check with Technical Support if you need access. This procedure is also used for upgrades.

  1. Sign into using your user name and password.
  2. Click the ClosedDI-DOWNLOAD link under the DI-Download section.

    The DI website download page.

  3. In the list, find the DiveTab-PC file and click the Closedversion number.For example, 7.1.24.

    The download site for Dimensional Insight.

  4. Your browser prompts you to run or save the file. Save the file, for example, DiveTab-Setup-7.1.24.exe, to a place of your choosing.

    A dialog box opens asking whether you want to save the file. For example, the file name is DiveTab-Setup-7.1.24.exe.

    NOTE: Some systems choose a location automatically, typically the Downloads folder.

  5. Navigate to the file location, and double-click the file to extract the archive.

    The ClosedOpen File - Security Warning dialog box opens.

    The Security Warning dialog asking for run permission.

  6. Click Run.

    The Closed7-Zip self-extracting archive dialog box opens.

    The self-extracting dialog asking for a location for the unzipped file.

    NOTE: Depending on your computer settings, this dialog box might not appear, and instead your computer directly opens the 7-Zip self-extracting archive dialog.

  7. Choose a location to extract the file by entering the path in the text box or finding a location using the Browse function.
  8. Click Extract.

    The new file, DiveTab-Setup.exe is placed in the folder of your choosing.

  9. Navigate to the folder where DiveTab-Setup.exe is stored, and double-click the file to start the setup.

    The ClosedSetup Wizard window opens.

    This is the DiveTab Setup Wizard screen.

  10. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard to complete the installation.