What Is a QuickView?

QuickViews are filters that you use to specify which data values appear on the DivePort display. Typically, they appear as pull-down lists at the top of a DivePort page. When you select one or more values from the QuickView list, the data updates to reflect the selected values.

QuickView settings can specify that you can select either a single value, multiple values, or all values from the list. You can use Ctrl+Click (Windows) or Command-Click (macOS) to highlight multiple values, and then select or clear their selection as a group. If you select more that one value, the number of selected values appears on the left side of the collapsed list.

Closed QuickView list showing that three values are selected.

The Diver Platform offers the following display types or styles of QuickView:

  • Flex—By default, a flex QuickView appears as a closed list with an expansion arrow next to it. Closed flex QuickView.Click the arrow to open the list. To select values, click the space to the left of the value name. A check mark appears to indicate that the value is selected. If enabled, you can select all values by clicking the Select All Values icon .

    An example of a Flex-type QuickView..

    NOTE: If only one value is selected in a marker-backed QuickView that does not allow All Values, you cannot clear the selected value.

    Settings can also specify that the QuickView list is expanded by default, similar to a picklist.

    If selecting multiple values is allowed, be sure that the check mark appears for each value that you want to include. A value that displays with a Closedhighlight but no check mark, is not selected. You can use Ctrl+Click (Windows) or Command-Click (macOS) to highlight multiple values, and then select or clear their selection as a group.

    QuickView with three values selected.

    TIP: If the QuickView is collapsible, clicking the expand arrow enables a Selection Option menu, that you can use to take action on items in the QuickView list. Click Deselect all if you want to show data for all values.

    Quickview selection options.

  • Free Entry—A text box that contains a default value. You can enter a new value directly in the QuickView text box.

    Example of a free entry QuickView.

    To use a Free Entry QuickView, enter criteria for the data, and then press Enter.

  • Calendar—A text box that allows you to work with date values. You can enter a date directly into the box or click the calendar icon to select a date.

    An example of a Calendar QuickView.

Selecting an option from a QuickView can update all of the data on a page, or only certain data. For example, a QuickView might update the data in only one table.

Optionally, there might be a Go button that allows you to update multiple QuickViews at once. Change the values as you like, and then click Go to refresh the page with the new values.

QuickViews with a Go button.

NOTE: If the QuickViews are set to activate when Go is pressed, changing a QuickView disables the Print option as well as any click actions until Go is pressed. This ensures that the printed output or click action shows up-to-date data.

Time Range QuickViews

Optionally, a developer can create a ClosedTime Range QuickView that is populated with time ranges such as:

  • Today
  • Week-to-Date
  • Month-to-Date
  • Quarter-to-Date
  • Year-to-Date
  • <n> Days
  • <n> Months
  • <n> Quarters
  • <n> Years

User-Defined Time Range

In DivePort 7.1(17) and later, you might have the option to specify a customized time range for Measure Factory data using Time Range Start and Time Range End QuickViews.

Customizable time range option.

DivePort administrators create QuickViews and specify their settings.