Table Editor Portlet Options

Option Description
Library Specifies the Input Table or Document Library that is used in this table editor instance.

Attributes/Display Properties table

Lists the table columns and indicates which columns display on the portlet.

You can use a drag-and-drop operation to reorder the column Attributes.

Double-click on any attribute row to switch between Visible and Hidden

Automatically show new library attributes Indicates that new attributes (columns) added to the library or table are to be included in this table editor instance.
Number of columns to lock for horizontal scroll Specifies the number of columns that are unaffected by the horizontal scroll bar, starting from the leftmost column.
Filter the rows based on the following rules

Opens the Attribute Filters Closeddialog box, where you select an Attribute (Column) and Value on which to filter.

Attribute filters dialog box.

By default, the Value field is initialized with the macro syntax for QuickView Value.

Click Include substring matches to filter the value as contains logic rather than is equal to logic.

TIP: If you have a column that contains DivePort user names, you can use the $(USER) macro as a filter to limit users access to the rows in which their user name is the value for the specified column attribute.

Attribute Filters dialog box with a user macro.

Edit Opens, the Attribute Filters Closeddialog box, which you can use to edit the selected filter in Column/Value.
Remove Removes the selected filter from the filter Column/Value box.
Disable Adding and Deleting Rows

Indicates that you want to omit the Add Row and Delete Row options from the portlet instance if you are using an Input Table.

Indicates that you want to omit the Add Document and Delete Document options from the portlet instance if you are using a Document Library.

Edit and Save Mode

Sets the edit and save behavior. Select one of the following:

  • Cell Edit - Cell Save for an instant commit when the cell is edited.
  • Cell Edit - Table Save adds two buttons to the bottom of the portlet: Save Edits and Discard Edits. A little red triangle in the upper right corner of a cell indicates that a change to that cell is pending. Clicking Save Edits saves the changes and refreshes the page.

    Table editor portlet.

    In DivePort 7.1(23) and later, this option also provides the ability to paste multiple cells from a spreadsheet or tab-delimited text file into the portlet if the user has write permission, and the cells accept the data type.

  • Row Edit - Row Save commits when another row is selected.
Form to use Controls the appearance of new attributes in this table instance. The default is Use Repository Default.
Click Actions

Opens the Add Click Action dialog box, which you can use to add link-scoped click actions to the portlet.

For more information, see Adding, Editing, or Removing a Click Action.