About Calendar Heatmatrix Charts

Calendar Heatmatrix charts use color on a calendar matrix layout to show date-related data values.

Example of a calendar matrix chart.

NOTE: DivePort uses the portaldb.xml attribute locale.first-day-of-week for the calendar layout.

Calendar Heatmatrix chart options

When you create a calendar heatmatrix chart, you specify:

  • A date dimension
  • A numeric value column

Optionally, you can select:

  • A default view for the calendar (month, year, or multi-year)
  • Style for a year/multi-year view (grid or linear)
  • If a user can navigate to another view

Legend options allow you to add or omit the legend, and specify its location and width.

Color options allow you to specify the type of color scale (gradient, threshold, or binned) and colors used for calendar data.

Text options allow you to specify a title and customize the font.

Reading a calendar heatmatrix chart

Placing a pointer on a calendar day opens a tooltip that shows the date, and the dimension label and value

If navigation is enabled, you can change the calendar:

  • Click < to see the previous calendar page.
  • Click > to see the next calendar page.
  • Click a different time view: Multi-year, Year, or Month.


Example of a grid-style year calendar:

Grid view of a year calendar.

Example of a linear-style multi-year calendar:

Multi-year linear calendar.

See also: