Adding Content to Blank Parent Pages

Typically, blank parent pages are used to organize the portal content, and are not readily available for editing. However, administrators can add content to blank pages.

To add content to a blank parent page:

  1. On the ADMIN menu, select Portal Settings.
  2. Set the SideBar Display to TreeView, and then click OK.
  3. Browse to the environment or page where the blank page is located.
  4. Click the SideBar icon SideBar icon. to open the SideBar.
  5. On the SideBar, locate the blank parent page to which you want to add content, and click the Edit this page Closedchevron.

    Page context menu.

  6. Select Go to Page.

    The blank page opens.

  7. Close the SideBar.
  8. On the toolbar, click Edit to unlock the page and enter edit mode.
  9. On the toolbar, click the Edit the page contents Closedchevron, and add a portlet to the page.

    Location of chevron.

NOTE: The menu option Go to Page is available only when all three of the following conditions are met:

  • You are an administrator.
  • The parent page is completely empty.
  • The SideBar display is set to TreeView.

See also Adding a Portlet to a Page.