Dashboards are great, as they provide visualizations that help your users better understand your organization’s data at a quick glance. However, if...
Dimensional Insight Blog
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How to Design a Dashboard for Colorblind Users
You may not realize it, but some of your users may be colorblind. Colorblindness is fairly common, with 8% of Caucasian men, 5% of Asian men and 4%...
3 Hacks for Better Dashboards
The purpose of business intelligence (BI) tools and dashboards is to provide a simple way to make sense of complex data. Unfortunately, when trying...
ColorCombos: Another Cool Color Tool
Our last Dashboard Design 101 article introduced you to Adobe Kuler, which offers a way for you to mix and match color combinations to use in web or...
Dashboard Visual Appeal | How to Create it for Your Dashboards
Are you interested in “dressing up” your dashboard interface? One easy way to do so is to leverage the existing corporate look and feel of your own...