Whiskey-making has been around for more than 1,000 years. In the time since whiskey was first made in the early 1000s, as new technology has...
Dimensional Insight Blog
See how analytics trends are impacting your business and industry
ChatGPT Edu: A New AI for Higher Education
The debate over artificial intelligence (AI) can often be broken down into two camps: Those who are afraid of what it might become, and those who...
Summer is an Opportunity for Digital Transformation in Education
In the world of higher education, calling the period from January through May the “spring semester” is somewhat misleading, since very little of the...
Decoding Healthcare Data with AI
In the rapidly evolving world of healthcare, the potential to harness vast amounts of data for improving patient outcomes has never been more...
If ‘The Truth Is Out There’, Data Might Help Find It
For years, fans of the paranormal watched the investigations of agents Mulder and Scully on The X-Files, which aired from 1993–2002 in its original...
A Look Ahead to HIMSS24
The annual HIMSS Conference is quickly approaching—it will be held March 11–15 in Orlando, Florida. The event brings together more than 40,000...
What Can You Trust in an Age of AI and Deepfakes?
One of the most important aspects of analytics is whether or not you can trust the data. That’s why data governance is so important. To make sure...
Data is the New “Location, Location, Location” for Real Estate
The real estate industry has always used data. From setting prices to finding properties, data helps take the guesswork out of a business that can...
Using AI for Supply Chain Success
For a long time, advanced uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in industries like the supply chain were largely aspirational. AI could perform...
How AI is Lighting Up the Cannabis Industry
You can’t have a conversation about technology right now without the topics of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) coming up....
Leading versus Lagging in Healthcare AI Adoption
Propelled by recent technological breakthroughs like ChatGPT and Bard, artificial intelligence (AI) has catapulted into the mainstream as an...
What Data Can Tell Us About Weather
Predictive analytics may seem like a new technological concept, but there’s one area where we have been participating in the practice for decades,...
AI in the Wine Industry—A Blend of Tradition and Technology
The wine-making process has evolved significantly over the past couple thousand years. While traditional methods still play a crucial role,...
How Colleges Can Use Analytics to Boost Admission
College admissions is a somewhat fraught topic these days. From Supreme Court rulings to declining enrollments, it seems more often than not that...
The Artificial Intelligence Debate in Education
With all its potential, it is hard to predict exactly what impact artificial intelligence (AI) will have on different industries. Initial fears that...
The Supply Chain Relies on AI For Data-Driven Decision-Making
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a role in the supply chain for years. Like any technology, though, it continues to grow, and that can lead...
Can AI Replace Your Doctor?
As the world is undergoing a digital transformation, businesses are increasingly relying on technology to enhance operational and financial...
What Data Can Tell Us About Mental Health
Mental illnesses affect more than 52 million Americans, or about 20 percent of the U.S. adult population, according to the National Institute of...
What Studying Animal Communication Can Teach Us About Machine Learning
Any child who read a Doctor Dolittle book has likely dreamed of being able to communicate with animals in the same way the title character can. In...
The Complete Package: Why Packaging Matters In Supply Chain Analytics
The ordinary person doesn’t think much about the supply chain until something goes wrong. It’s the product that doesn’t reach them that draws the...