DIUC19 Day 4: Final Training and Farewell

by | Aug 8, 2019 | General BI

Reading Time: < 1 minute

All good things must come to an end. These past few days have been so special for our team, allowing us to reflect on where Dimensional Insight began, where it is now, and where it is headed. It is because of your loyalty throughout the years, that we are able to come together as one big family and celebrate 30 years of customer success. For that, we are truly grateful.

Now that it is officially day four of the event, we’re packing up our bags and saying our final goodbyes. What does day four of DIUC19 look like?

Today’s agenda

We will continue our training sessions from 8:30-11:30 AM.

  • Workbench 7.1
  • DivePort 7.1
  • ProDiver 7.1
  • Measure Factory 7.1
  • Program Advisor

Day three highlights

Our 30th-anniversary celebratory cake!

Our product showcase.

Our sessions.


Connect on social media

We’ll be sharing pictures and news from DIUC19 on social media. Follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook, and Instagram. Also share your own thoughts with the hashtag #DIUC19.


Kayla Chiara

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